Saturday, December 15, 2012

Day Twenty-Two

Workout: 9am
—Today was a Legs Day—

(click image to enlarge)

~Squats - (Quadriceps) - Body-Weight as Resistance - 3 Sets of 15 Repetitions
~Stationary Lunges - (Hamstrings) - Body-Weight as Resistance - 3 Sets of 15 Repetitions
~Toe Raises - (Calves) - Body-Weight as Resistance - 3 Sets of 15 Repetitions

Breakfast: 10am
1 Plain Visalus Shake

Mid-Morning: 12noon
12oz. V8 (Low Sodium, Spicy Hot)
24oz. Water

Lunch: 2pm
1 Butterfinger Visalus Shake

Mid-Afternoon: 3pm
1 Chicken Breast
1 Apple (Golden Delicious)
24oz. Water

Evening: 5pm
1 Peanut-Butter-Cup Visalus Shake
1 Apple (Golden Delicious)

State of Being:
I’ve been having a very strong craving for pears lately. It’s so weird. I haven’t had a pear in years, and even when I did,... I mean... I didn't dislike it, but I wasn't blown away by it either. Just odd.

Kind of a slow day.

After my workout this morning I went out and checked the mail. Should have filmed that, so you could have seen the shenanigans. These two gulls were chasing each other around the parking lot, over a scrap of some kind. I couldn’t tell what it was. But, it was a real nail-biter. They each successfully came away with it at various points, but wouldn’t ever fly quite far enough away to prevent the other from rushing them and stealing it back.

Having secured my mail, I brought my kitchen-chair outside to sit and watch them, but they’d flown off at that point. So, I’ll have to live the rest of my life never knowing who won. *sigh*

You may have noticed, (if you’ve been paying very close attention) that I am no longer using dumbbells in my leg exercises. So, explain to me why my legs are more sore now than they normally would be after the same exercises done with more weight last week or the week before. I don’t get it.

Anyway, it was a pretty good day. I’ve noticed already that, because I’m drinking water now instead of Diet Coke, I am also not thirsty as much, because water is a far better thirst-quencher than any other liquid available to man,… no matter what the Gatorade ads have to say about it.

Today has also served to remind me of how much I Love water as a drink. Chugging down lots of water after a workout always takes me back to training outside and stopping to drink from the garden hose. That was always like,… industrial strength thirst elimination. I wonder if the rental office would let me hook up a garden hose in my apartment… lol

Before I go, I just want to mention that my nephew Mason is Three Years Old today!

(Pictured: My Favorite Entity in All of Creation)

I’m off for a night of gaming. See you guys tomorrow!

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