Saturday, December 8, 2012

Day Fifteen

Workout: 9am
—Today was a Walking Day—

~Walking - (Cardio) - 20 Minutes (Took twelve breaks. The 20 Minutes were all on my feet, though.)


Breakfast: 10am
1 Butterfinger Visalus Shake

Mid-Morning: 12noon
12oz. V8 (Spicy Hot)
1 Apple (Golden Delicious)

Lunch: 3:30pm
1 Visalus Shake (multiple flavors)

Mid-Afternoon: Nothing.

Evening: 8pm
1/2 lb. Turkey (light meat)
24oz. V8 (Spicy Hot)

State of Being:
Today was a pretty good day, I woke up feeling sore from yesterday’s double-workout but I felt accomplished for having done it. This morning, instead of hitting the weights (since I’m out of muscle-groups for the week) I decided to walk for about 20 minutes. I had to take frequent breaks, but I stopped the clock for break-times so I was walking for a total of 20 minutes.

Although, I should count the twelve breaks as some kind of additional workout, since I was sitting on the ground and lifting a 600 pound body back to its feet from the ground is, I’m certain, utilized in one of the lower rings of hell as some kind of punishment for people who knocked people down a lot in life. So, let’s call that 12 repetitions of “Dante’s Infernal Lifting Torture.

Got to hang out with some friends tonight and talk about goals and Visalus and the Challenge so that was a lot of fun. Scott’s in town for the weekend. It’s always good to see him.

Feeling really positive and energetic right now. Gonna close on a high-note. See you guys tomorrow.

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1 comment:

  1. Sorry we missed the Challenge party. We were planning on coming out because we had a sitter for Athena but the sitter fell through and we couldn't bring Athena to a place with a bunch of people with conjunctivitis. Both Jerry and I want to sample some shakes and have talked about incorporating them into our daily diets.
    Oh, and training. I am still interested in that too :)
