Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Challenge Three: Day Seventy

Breakfast: 9am
1 Strawberry-Banana, Phyto-Power-Energy-Charge Visalus Shake

Mid-Morning: Nothing.

Lunch: 1pm
2 Round Steaks (w/Taco Blend Shredded-Cheese)
32oz. V8 (Low Sodium, Spicy Hot)
46oz. Water

Mid-Afternoon: 6pm
1 Chocolate-Covered Strawberry Visalus Shake

Evening: Nothing.

State of Being:


Feeling really good today!

Yeah, as you’ve probably noticed, I’ve changed things up a little bit. A while back I wrote an entry in the morning instead of the evening. Going through really tough times, as I’ve been, I wanted to get my thoughts logged-into the blog before the entire run of my present, super-tough days had had its chance to beat the hell out of me.

That idea worked really well. In fact, it worked better than I’d expected in that it afforded me a concrete look at how my mentality, my mood, thoughts and outlook… my *consciousness* I guess… shift and change over the course of a day. The fact that the look took place in the midst of a run of really bad days made it particularly visceral and demonstrative of things usually relegated to faintness and subtlety.

So, in reflecting on that experience for the last little while, I’ve decided to try a new approach for the “State of Being” segment of the blog,… which is really the meat of it. I’m going to start keeping my composition program open throughout the day (at least, when I’m home), pulling it up to log my thoughts periodically, and time-coding the entries as I log them. This will be in contrast to how I’ve usually handled the blog in the past, which is to write it up at the end of the day, shortly before bed and schedule it for posting at 11:30pm.

While the old approach seems logical in theory;… the blog is, after all a summary of the day, and what better time to summarize something than at the end of it… in practice, I find that it presents an image of my journey that is frequently less clear and accurate than I’d like it to be.

So, we’ll see how this goes.

I am very busy these days with family matters surrounding my father’s death as well as with work and attending to a lot of… I’ll call it… drudgery-of-the-moment, so I’m not going to specifically schedule these little check-ins with the writing, but I will hit it as often as I can. Some days that will mean several entries spread evenly across the day. Others will see only one entry. I think this approach will be much better served by a shoot-from-the-hip method, rather than any kind of regimentation. Also, as with my food-log entries, the time-code will be by-the-hour. I’m not going to bother to log it to the exact minute, as that can be confusing as far as when I actually sat down to write, versus when I stopped writing, etc. As with the food-log, the time-code will represent what the hour was when I started writing.

As I said, I’m feeling really good right now.

The writing bug has definitely bitten me for the first time in a long while. I’ve reopened my current novel project, as well as started work on a new short-story that may grow into a short-novel/novella if necessity dictates. I’m also going to be starting work on something I’ve wanted to do for a long time, but haven’t had the nerve. It’s another blog, not really related to this one in any way, with more of a political, philosophical and current-events focus. I don’t have any specific plan or time-line for getting that started, but I’ll link it here when it’s ready.



Still feeling great. A little tired now, but that’s to be expected. I’ve been pretty busy today. Got a lot done, did some cleaning, some writing and even got some reading in.

My sciatica has kinda been laying off me today. It still hurts, but not nearly as bad as it’s been the last month or so. I’m able to walk today with about a fourth as much pain as usual. Progress.



Pretty tired. Still feeling good. Just got out of the shower and had a good long phone conversation with my Mom about stuff.

Hip/leg/back is killing me, but it’s almost time for bed so it’s cool for now.

I think I’m liking this new approach to the blog, so far.

Let me know what you think.

See you tomorrow!

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Saturday, July 27, 2013

Challenge Three: Day Sixty-Six

Breakfast: 11am
1 Butterfinger Visalus Shake

Mid-Morning: Nothing.

Lunch: Nothing.

Mid-Afternoon: Nothing.

Evening: 6pm
2 Cheeseburger Patties (w/ketchup, mustard & onion)
1 Lg. Caesar Salad

State of Being:
It’s been pretty rough lately.

Yesterday, I had to have Noggin put down. She was sick and getting sicker. Some kind of nervous-system problem. She was deaf and gradually going blind, her legs stopped working and she couldn’t hold herself upright anymore. At seventeen-years-old, it’s probable that it was just her time, her body just shutting down and preparing to move on. A few days ago, she began shunning her food and water.

Toward the end she couldn’t seem to sleep unless I held her against my chest. That was the only way to get her to stop moaning and sleep. She even purred as she slept.

I held her when she passed away.

Over the last few years, since my wife left and my life, career and finances fell apart, it’s not exaggeration to say that Noggin kept me going. She even kept me from ending it all on more than one occasion. She was my best friend, and my constant companion through all of this turmoil.

I miss you terribly, sweetheart.

Until we meet again…

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Sunday, July 21, 2013

Challenge Three: Day Sixty

Breakfast: 8am
1 Butterfinger Visalus Shake

Mid-Morning: Nothing.

Lunch: Nothing.

Mid-Afternoon: 5pm
1 Pizza Salad
24oz. Coke Zero (Decaf.)

Evening: Nothing.

State of Being:
I miss you, Dad.

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Saturday, July 20, 2013

Challenge Three: Day Fifty-Nine

Breakfast: 5am
1 Chocolate Visalus Shake

Mid-Morning: Nothing.

Lunch: 12noon
1 Sweet-Cream Visalus Shake

Mid-Afternoon: 3pm
1 Cheeseburger Patty (no bun)
1 Larger-Than-Hell Garden Salad (w/Blue Cheese Dressing)
46oz. Water

Evening: Nothing.

State of Being:
Felt dizzy and queasy this morning.

I realized after a bit that it was because I hadn’t taken my Paxil for the last day or so. The withdrawal from that can be pretty bad; dizziness, the zaps (like when you’re falling asleep and you feel yourself *slip* and so you jerk awake, except… while you’re awake,), nausea, etc.

Not so very long ago, I used to ration my Paxil out. My prescribed dosage is 40mg, once a day. But, I would take the 40mg once every three days, instead to ration it because it was so difficult for me to afford. Spacing it out like that, it would take several days for the withdrawal symptoms to appear when I ran out of pills.

Now that my finances are better (Thank You, Visalus!) and I can afford my prescription, I’ve been taking it every day. The upside is that I feel a lot better most of the time. The downside is that now, when I miss a dose, the withdrawal symptoms set-in a lot more quickly.

See you tomorrow!

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Friday, July 12, 2013

Challenge Three: Day Fifty-One

Breakfast: Nothing.

Mid-Morning: 11am
1 Chocolate Peanut Butter Cup Visalus Shake

Lunch: 2pm
3pc. Baked Chicken
6 Jalapeno Poppers
12oz. Coke Zero

Mid-Afternoon: Nothing.

Evening: 9pm
1 Bowl of Fried-Cheese Chips (w/Jalapeno Slices)
24oz. Coke Zero

State of Being:
So, I’m worried about Noggin. She did something to her eye, and I’m not sure what.

There’s some blood, actually inside the eye and the pupil is contracted. Otherwise, she seems fine. I looked up the symptoms and apparently it could be all kinds of different things, none of which would be surprising at her age.

I’m going to keep an eye on her for now. If it seems to be getting worse, I’ll be taking her in to the vet.

See you tomorrow.

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Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Challenge Three: Day Forty-Nine

Breakfast: Nothing.

Mid-Morning: Nothing.

Lunch: Nothing.

Mid-Afternoon: Nothing.

Evening: 10pm
2 Baked Chicken Thighs
16oz. V8 (Low Sodium, Spicy Hot)

State of Being:
Wow, so I laid down for a nap yesterday at about 4pm.

I woke up tonight at 8pm. I honestly had no idea it wasn’t still Tuesday until I signed into Facebook.

I guess I was tired.

See you tomorrow!

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Monday, July 8, 2013

Challenge Three: Day Forty-Seven

Breakfast: Nothing.

Mid-Morning: Nothing.

Lunch: 1pm
1 Chocolate-Covered Strawberry Visalus Shake

Mid-Afternoon: 4pm
3 Scrambled Eggs (w/melted cheddar & Lime-Garlic Salsa Verde)
16oz. V8 (Low Sodium, Spicy Hot)
46oz. Water (w/Lemon)

Evening: 8pm
1 Strawberry & Banana Visalus Shake

State of Being:
Feeling pretty good today. I’ve been sore the last few days from lots of errand-running, but I’m starting to recover, I think.

Mom caught the hospice people at the respite care center feeding Dad fruit. Solid foods will literally kill him, and while, when he’s thinking straight he simply wouldn’t eat it, he’s not always in his right mind, these days. He gets confused, he forgets where he is, etc. It's not constant. It comes and goes.

My Dad insists he’s not hungry. It’s been proven conclusively that after the first week or so without any food, the body stops craving it altogether. There’s just no excuse for what happened. So, I’ll be headed up there in the morning to find someone with authority and pull their spine out their mouth.

I managed to get a lot of writing done today too. I mean, non-blog-related. lol It’s nice. I haven’t been able to write much at all lately and it seems that the block may have broken.

Got the windows open and I’m listening to the rain.

See you tomorrow!

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Sunday, July 7, 2013

Challenge Three: Day Forty-Six

Breakfast: 7am
1 Butterfinger Visalus Shake

Mid-Morning: Nothing.

Lunch: 2pm
1 Peanut Butter & Banana Visalus Shake

Mid-Afternoon: 6pm
1 Tomato

Evening: 9pm
1 Taco Salad (w/Whole Grain Tortillas)
12oz. Coke Zero

State of Being:
So, this is going to be a little different from what I usually do. I'm posting today's entry at the beginning of the day, rather than the end.

It's a one-time thing. Just for today. I'll come back and log-in the rest of my meals for the day, later on tonight.

I have a lot that I want to say and I want to say it while it's fresh in my mind, not after the whole day has had it's chance to knock me down, kick me, beat me and laugh about it. That's what life's been doing lately, and by the end of the day, I'm so tired and just... over it and ready for bed, that I haven't been saying what I need to say.

So, for today... to anticipate and adjust for present circumstances, I want to say what I have to say before my resources and energy are completely depleted. I want you to hear it now. Not later.

My Dad's dying.

I know that, if you follow this blog you probably already knew that. But, for those who might be just now getting caught up, I think it's important that you know that before I get into this.

Earlier this year, he was having a lot of pain in his stomach and in his side. We thought it was his appendix. But, when he went in to get it looked at, they said that they couldn't really get a good read on it as his appendix was in a weird position, (I guess a small percentage of the population has an appendix that's on the opposite side of the stomach from where it should be, which also puts it close to an artery and dangerous to operate on. My Dad is apparently one of these people,) so they didn't want to operate unless it was absolutely necessary. They gave him some stuff for the pain and sent him home.

Well, it kept getting worse. Eventually, it got so bad that my Dad was right on the verge of collapse, so we finally convinced him to go back in and the doctors said that they would have to operate, in spite of the risks it presented.

After the surgery, they told us that they had found his small bowel to be absolutely riddled with cancer. Stage four.

He met with an oncologist who ran a battery of tests on him and told us not to be freaked-out over it being stage-4, as it was a "very treatable" form of cancer that was "very slow-growing." He told us that, "worst case-scenario" Dad had "several years left."

We all breathed a sigh of relief and started looking around at different treatment options.

A few weeks later, Dad starts having lots of pain again. So, we went back into the hospital, they found that he had another blockage in his small bowel. More tests. More consultations, and a whole new prognosis from the same doctors. It turns out it's actually a very rare form of very fast-growing cancer. It's so rare, in fact that they "have nothing to compare it to," much less any idea on how to treat it, and now... "best case-scenario" Dad has "a few weeks left." That was just about a month ago. They told us that, at this point, chemo- or radiation-therapy would only hasten his death.

In the span of a little over a month, my Dad has gone from this...
(You can click on the pictures to enlarge them.)

to this...

and finally, to this... (taken two days ago)

He can't eat anything, as doing so would obstruct his bowels and kill him. So, since there's no food for the cancer to feed on, it's just feeding on him. Eating him alive.

I could go on and on for hundreds, even thousands of pages on how much I Love my Dad and everything that he has meant to me,... everything he still means to me and always will. But, I want to stay on point. This blog is about my weight-loss journey. More than that, it's about where the journey takes me and how it's going. So, I hope you won't interpret it as too crass or selfish of me, but I'm going to keep this entry restricted to that aspect of things, as best I can.

I'm slipping. In fact, I've slipped. I've fallen. I've spiraled... really far. I know I've regained weight, but I haven't had the nerve to actually get on a scale and find out how much.

I cannot express how angry, frustrated, and heartbroken I am. Words just can't do it. Or, if they can, it would take a far better writer than I to coax them to the task.

I *hate* that this is happening to him. I am not using the term lightly, as in... "I hate rom-com movies," or "I hate super-hot weather." No. I mean, if cancer were a person, I would murder it. I mean, I want to destroy something for every minute of consciousness that I am forced to endure. But, it's not as if sleep brings me any peace either, because most of the time, lately I just have nightmares about my family.

It's not fair. My Dad is a wonderful, Loving and generous man. He is everything that I hope I can one day be. My parents always worked so hard to give us everything we needed and more. We had a ranch, nearly twenty acres of lush, green land, a dozen horses, good food, transportation,... we had way more than many people... and we didn't have these things because we were rich, or because we'd inherited anything. We had them because my parents worked and worked and broke their backs to provide them for us.

When I was a little kid, we were pretty poor. We lived in subsidized housing, we were on welfare, virtually all of my clothing consisted of hand-me-downs. But, my parents picked themselves up by the bootstraps, put themselves through college, forged ahead into better careers and built a better life for us from the ground up. I spent my late-childhood through my early-adolescence watching them do this,... all while they raised three, very rambunctious, difficult-to-manage, and often openly-defiant... (we're Lorees)

If I'd been my parents, I would have thrown me off a roof for some of the stuff I did and said, growing up.

I've never, in my life done anything even remotely as selfless, as courageous, or as heroic as the way my parents lived and what they put themselves through for us, for those several years.

And now, my Dad is being torn away from us by this disease. He's going to die in his fifties, and there is no one to blame, there's nothing to do about it. All we can do is try to make sure he's comfortable and spend as much time with him as we can.

I'm digressing a lot, here. Sorry. This is going stream-of-consciousness, today. I'm just writing what I think and feel as I think and feel it. Nothing's going to be cut. Nothing's going to be edited. Please bear with me. I want you to see me right now in all my glorious, furious ugliness.

This is what happens sometimes. This is something life can throw at you, and it won't shy away from it, just because you'd rather it left you alone. This world and life itself can be a pretty nasty, vindictive bastard at times, and when that happens, and you've been left no other avenue, nor any safe outs, sometimes the best and only thing you can do is to be a big, mean bastard right back at it.

Today is the first day of the second half of my current 90 Day Challenge.
It's day forty-six.

Right now, as I sit here, I swear on my life and my Love of it, before God, that the slipping and falling stops, and it stops right now.

I know that the hits are going to keep on coming. But, I'm done getting sweet-talked by habit, addiction and depression into helping it happen.

I can't do anything for my Dad's condition. Nothing!
I can't help him.
I can't save him.
I can't trade places with him.
I would if I could. In a heartbeat.

What I can do, is channel all of that anger, all of that frustration and heartbreak into kicking this challenge in the ass so hard, that the next three challenges are going to feel it.

I can honor what my Dad has always busted his hump to do for me; to take care of me, to give me a better life... by doing the same. I can make sure that I'm going to make it. I can make sure that my life is going to become what he knew it could be, and what he spent so much of himself, and his own life trying to ensure for me,... and not just my own life, not just for myself, but for my family as well.

I will not fail, and I will not slip again. Not ever.

From this moment on, there is NOTHING but the success of this journey, for myself and for my family.


And that,... is something that I can do for my Dad.

See you tomorrow.

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Thursday, July 4, 2013

Challenge Three: Day Forty-Three

Breakfast: Nothing.

Mid-Morning: Nothing.

Lunch: 3pm
1 Ham & Cheese Sub (w/bun)
12oz. Diet Rite

Mid-Afternoon: Nothing.

Evening: 9pm
2 Cheeseburgers
1 Lg. Onion Rings
24oz. Diet Rite

State of Being:
Yup. Off the diet today. Way off.

Depressed and angry all day.

Dad’s not doing so well.

See you tomorrow.

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Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Challenge Three: Day Forty-Two

Breakfast: Nothing.

Mid-Morning: Nothing.

Lunch: Nothing.

Mid-Afternoon: Nothing.

Evening: Nothing.

State of Being:
Didn’t eat today.

Not having a great day. Just feeling a bit overwhelmed. Slept a lot.

See you tomorrow.

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Monday, July 1, 2013

Challenge Three: Day Forty

Breakfast: Nothing.

Mid-Morning: Nothing.

Lunch: 2pm
2 Hot Dogs (w/Ketchup & Mustard)
24oz. Water

Mid-Afternoon: Nothing.

Evening: Nothing.

State of Being:
Came down with some kind of a head-cold. Been in and out of consciousness today.

See you tomorrow!

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