Monday, January 21, 2013

Day Fifty-Nine

Breakfast: 9am
1 Peach-Complexion Visalus Shake

Mid-Morning: Nothing.

Lunch: 12noon
1 Orange-Everyday Defense Visalus Shake

Mid-Afternoon: Nothing.

Evening: 6pm
2 Chicken Breasts (w/Bullseye “Kansas City” BBQ Sauce)
1 bowl of Harvest Tomato & Basil Soup (w/ 1/3 cup of Sour Cream& Ground Black Pepper)


State of Being:
I wanted to talk a bit today about goals.

I believe in setting goals in threes. There should be a short-term goal, an intermediate-term goal and a long-term goal. The 90 Day Challenge fits this mentality perfectly. It’s basically three months. So,… a Thirty-Day Goal, a Sixty-Day Goal and a Ninety-Day Goal.

Aside from this I have only two rules about goal-setting, but they are rock solid to me.

Rule 1: You must have a deadline.

Each of your three goal-levels must have a definite deadline. Without a deadline, you have not set a goal. All you’ve done is made a wish.

Without the mechanism that a deadline creates, you end up walking around in circles, never really sure of where to go. Faced with a ticking clock the mind is capable of much more. Given the pressure of a deadline, the mind will not waste time on ideas and strategies that it subconsciously knows to be unlikely to bear fruit. It will filter out the wheat from the chaff and give you definite leanings toward one idea or another. Instinct is a remarkable and vastly undervalued capacity, in my opinion.

You might be wrong. You might fail. But, I think that it is much easier to adapt on the fly when you are decisive, committed, and most importantly in motion than when you are faltering, wishy-washy and inert. Decisiveness requires that we become discerning as to how much of our time we spend,… and on what.

February 21st (Day 90) is coming. It is relentlessly marching toward me. It doesn’t stop to take a break, or slow down and rest, just because I do. Therefore, I must spend the limited supply of time and energy that I have available to me, on those things that instinct tells me are most likely to bring success.

Rule 2: Set a goal SO BIG that you can't achieve it until you grow into the person who can.

If you're trying to change, your goals should be in service of that change. They should be impossible for the person you are now. They should be possible only for the person you WILL be.

All that having been said, I have set two separate goal-tracks for myself. I call these my “Weight Track” and my “Fitness Track.”

My Weight Track is as follows…
Short-Term: Lose 100 pounds by February 22nd, 2013
Intermediate-Term: Lose 300 pounds by January 1st, 2014
Long-Term: Reach my Ideal Weight (lose 400-420 pounds) by June 1st, 2014

My Fitness Track is…
Short-Term: Regain the ability to stand and walk indefinitely, without having to sit down to catch my breath every two minutes… by June 1st, 2013
Long-Term: Compete in the Tough Mudder in Summer of 2014

Now, until recently my fitness track had been missing an Intermediate goal. But, now I have one. I set it just a few days ago. It is to begin studying Brazilian Jiu Jitsu by September of this year.

To recap from previous posts, Brazilian Jiu Jitsu was a style that I’d always considered to be out-of-reach for me. It's a ground-fighting oriented system, (one of the few, in a world dominated by more pugilistic styles) and due to my physical-build, I had long ago assumed that I’d never be able to do that stuff. All of my training in that arena has been to escape from the ground, not to actually stay down there and fight. By and large, I’ve been trained to view ground-fighting the way a cat views water; uncomfortable and to be avoided at all costs. lol

Until I found the Challenge, I'd learned to just accept that I'd never be able to do this.

Much like with the Tough Mudder-goal, and even with my short-term goal of regaining my capacity for indefinite walking, this goal is something that is physically impossible for me right now. Something that I literally CANNOT do until I’ve significantly changed my physical circumstances.

…which makes it a perfect goal.

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See you tomorrow!

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