Breakfast: 7am
1 “Ka-Berry Ka-BOOM!!!” Visalus Shake
Mid-Morning: 10am - 1pm
The sweet, sweet oblivion of NyQuil-Nap-Time
Lunch: 3pm
1 Apple-Cinnamon Visalus Shake
Mid-Afternoon: 6pm
1 Chicken Breast (w/Copious Quantities of Tabasco Sauce,… when you don’t have the right flavor, just use a lot more! lol)
16oz. V8 (Low Sodium, Spicy Hot)
46oz. Water
Evening: 8pm
1 Jalapeno-Filled Cheeseburger Patty (no bun, w/American Cheese & Chive-n-Onion Cream Cheese, also Ketchup)
2 Cups of Steamed Broccoli & Cauliflower (w/pepper)
46oz. Water

State of Being:
Not feeling too bad.
I’ve gone from “Sick-as-a-Plague-Rat” to merely “Under-the-Weather.”
It’s really weird sometimes. I’ll seriously start feeling better and then, out of nowhere I’ll start getting chills and aches and fatigue again. That will last for a couple hours,… I think. Actually, I have no idea since my patience has completely worn through and now, at the first sign of recurring symptoms, I dose-up on NyQuil or Tylenol and dive head-first into an afternoon coma.
Just took the trash out a couple minutes ago. Apparently someone just moved out, because that dumpster is buried under a mountain of stuff. Lots of furniture leaning up against it and the bin itself is full. So, I got a bit of an impromtu extreme-climbing workout in.
New Videos coming soon!
See you tomorrow!
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