Breakfast: 10am
1 Chocolate-Covered Blackberry Visalus Shake
32oz. Water
Mid-Morning: 12noon
1 Cup of Steamed Vegetables (w/Winter Squash, Zucchini, Carrots, Broccoli, & Cauliflower)
1 Chicken Breast (w/Every last fiber of avian-muscle-tissue, absolutely DROWNED in Tabasco Sauce)
64oz. Water
Lunch: 4pm
1 Peanut Butter & Banana Visalus Shake
32oz. Water
Mid-Afternoon: 7pm
1 Bowl of Oatmeal (what technically constituted 2 servings, according to the box, but since their measurements are clearly intended for gnomes, I kinda dialed it in for actual human proportions)
64oz. Water
Evening: 8pm
1 Chocolate-Covered Blackberry Visalus Shake
64oz. Water

State of Being:
Feeling pretty good today. My knee is almost fully recovered from last week’s little snap-crackle-pop incident. Foot’s still occasionally going numb, though. So, definitely a pinched nerve, but the pain and swelling in the knee itself is pretty much negligible at this point. Surprising, considering that my knee usually throbs a bit when it snows, and it dumped about three inches on us last night.
The recovery couldn't have come at a more fortuitous time. Today was the last day of the "Arbitrary 5 Days" I was making myself wait, after feeling better from my two months illness.' So, my workouts resume tomorrow!
It's an excellent sign that I'm looking forward to working out again, right? Not just a sign that I've gone crazy with cabin-fever?
Did a lot of house cleaning today. Still a bunch to do, but I’ve set the bar a little higher than I normally would on a typical Monday. I’m going through and throwing out stuff I just don't want anymore. I have at least a couple hundred pounds worth of RPG rulebooks from games that I know I’ll never play again. I’m going to be putting all of it up on eBay. Most of the books in question are outdated, edition-wise, so I likely won’t get much for them. What I can’t sell, I’ll just give away to anybody who wants ‘em.
This week is going to be kind of an iron-hand experience, to borrow a term from Viet Nam War-era Marine Bomber-Pilot jargon. By about Wednesday, I’m going to be completely out of food and living exclusively on Vi-Shakes (mixed with water instead of milk) and Water. This will continue until Monday, when I can get to the store again.
I mentioned in my last video, about how all of my income and expenses have leaned heavily toward my detriment in the wake of this year’s governmental-policy-changes. Well,… this is just an example of how I haven’t yet been able to adjust.
I’ll get there, it’s just going to take a few months. But, I’ll be alright.
I actually went up to the Kent Outreach Foodbank last Friday and got some stuff. Unfortunately, just about 99% of what they have there consists of Salt, Sugar and Starch molded into various forms (ie: Ramen Noodles, Pasta, Cup-a-Soup, Apple-Sauce, Potato-Flakes, Cereal, etc.) It has changed for the better recently, though. You're still only allowed to go once a month. But, it used to be that they would just give you two shopping bags full of Ramen Noodles, Potato-Flakes and Cereal. Seriously. Now, at least, they have kind of an open inventory that you can pick things from, to fill the two bags yourself. I got a box of Oatmeal, a bag of yellow Onions and a Ziploc-baggie full of steaks that somebody had grilled and frozen. I also got a bunch of noodles, rice, frozen pizza and potatoes,... which I gave to a few of my neighbors, whom I know are having a tough time with the policy changes as well.
Not much stuff that I could use for myself, but it'll get me through Tuesday, anyway.
Given that the shakes only have about a hundred-fifty calories in them, without milk or berries or anything mixed-in, I’ll likely need to be drinking four or five a day. But, it’s only for a few days, so I’m looking at it as kind of a cleanse experience, a “Nutrient-Enriched Fast” if you will.
I hope this winter ends soon. I Love winter. I look forward to it every fall. But, by the time it’s over, each year… I’m really ready for it to end. While I do enjoy the season, I think it outlives my taste for it, by about one-and-a-half to two months, in Ohio.
I mention it, because my skin’s getting so dry that my CPAP mask is starting to chafe my face in the night. I’d use lotion, but whenever any kind of moisturizer so much as touches my face, I break out.
I’m not complaining, with all of this stuff. Just sharing what’s been presently on my mind, today.
P.S.: Yeah! In case you didn't notice in my food-log from today, I drank a TON of water. What's with that? I've just been incredibly thirsty all day. Weird. Must be the dryness of winter, finally catching up with me.
See you tomorrow!
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