Breakfast: 9am
1 Chocolate Visalus Shake
Mid-Morning: 12noon
1 Cheeseburger Patty (w/Jalapeno Slices)
16oz. V8 (Low Sodium, Spicy Hot)
32oz. Water
Lunch: 3pm
1 Chocolate-Covered Blackberry Visalus Shake
Mid-Afternoon: 6pm
1 Chicken Breast (w/Black Pepper)
16oz. V8 (Low Sodium, Spicy Hot)
32oz. Water
Evening: 8pm
1 Chicken Breast (w/Black Pepper)
2 Cups of Steamed Vegetables (w/Broccoli, Cauliflower, Carrots, Winter Squash & Zucchini)
32oz. Water

Shadow-Boxing: (Minutes)



State of Being:
I feel both good and worn-out after today.
And now, a Stream-of-Consciousness Narrative of my return to working out...
Finally! Ok, time to get back into this. I'll just knock out a few walks today. Maybe three or four. I'll do two now and then one or two this evening before dinner.
Huh... Was the dumpster always that far away? I mean, I've been down a couple months. It's possible they lengthened the parking lot since the last time I tried this.
No,... no... the parking lot's still the same length as the building and there's no way they added any units onto the building in just two months. Maybe it's the weather. This cold-snap is making things... OH MY GOD, my back hurts! What the...? Ok,... almost there... almost... Ok, made it.
Now, I just have to walk all the way back.
Ok, let's do this...
One, Two.
One, Two, Three, Four.
One, Two, Three, Four, One, Two.
Wow, man... thin-air is kicking your ass, and laughing at your feeble punches.
Ok, now this should be simple. You're just standing still. You've got the cabinet to grab onto in case your right knee gives out like it did that one time... OK, like it did those four times...
HOLY! Really??? I wasn't even half-way down yet!
Don't look at the stop-watch yet! NO! DON'T!!! SAVE IT!!!
OK... Ok.... Look! Go ahead!
Now, you might be thinking, at this point;
"Chris, if today was your first day back, you should have taken it slow and easy."
Well, HA HA! Joke's on you! That WAS "taking it slow and easy!"
Some good news, though... I was a little off in assessing how much food I had left. I think I have enough food to eat fairly-normally tomorrow and after that I’ll still have a couple 46oz. bottles of V8, half a jar of peanut butter, a can of tuna fish, two cans of Crushed Tomato, two cans of sliced green chilies, a can of Dinty Moore Beef Stew and a bag of frozen, sliced Okra. It's amazing what you'll find at the back of storage areas. Also, it turns out that I had another baggie of frozen banana slices that seems to have slipped behind the ice-bucket in my freezer. Those are great to thicken-up a shake in the blender along with some peanut butter. So, I’ll be stretching those things out over the course of the next five or six days.
I’m actually kinda looking forward to this. (That really wasn't sarcasm.) It’s like a mini-Challenge in and of itself. Not nearly so unhealthy as an actual “fast” and it’ll give me plenty to write about. lol
Another video coming soon!
See you tomorrow!
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