Sunday, March 31, 2013

Challenge Two: Day Thirty-Eight

(Click on image to enlarge.)

Breakfast: 9am
1 Chocolate Visalus Shake

Mid-Morning: 11am
16oz. V8 (Low Sodium, Spicy Hot)
12oz. Diet Rite

Lunch: 2pm
1 Chocolate Visalus Shake

Mid-Afternoon: Nothing.

Evening: 7pm
1 Chuck Eye Steak (w/Pepper)
1 Cup of Steamed Vegetables (Normandy Blend)
64oz. Water


State of Being:
All the work and skipping-of-sleep caught up with me today.

I took three naps. One in the morning, one in the afternoon and one in the evening. Each lasting one-to-two hours.

My leg, is indeed very sore today. So, while I’m not going to stop working out, I am going to put a hold on any exercises that might stress or strain my legs. There was, as I'm sure you noticed, one walk today. But, that was because I was taking my trash out. lol

It’s not just my knee either. When I torqued it getting out of that car, I think I pulled or strained a bunch of tendons in various places, as well. I can feel sore muscles and ligaments in and around my ankle and on the underside of my foot, too. So, yeah… I’m just going to give it a rest for a while.

See you tomorrow!

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Saturday, March 30, 2013

Challenge Two: Day Thirty-Seven

(Click on image to enlarge.)

Breakfast: 9am
1 Chocolate Visalus Shake

Mid-Morning: Nothing.

Lunch: 12noon
1 Cheeseburger Patty (w/Pepper)
1 Cup Steamed Vegetables (Normandy Blend)
32oz. Water

Mid-Afternoon: 6pm
1 Chocolate Visalus Shake

Evening: Nothing.


Shadow-Boxing: (Minutes)



State of Being:
I got to the store this morning!

Unexpected windfall. I won’t go into details here. Let me just say that I’m thankful that government jobs for some reason get the Monday after Easter Sunday off work. Given that and the fact that tomorrow is a Sunday, lots of stuff ended up getting processed through today, rather than Monday.

Food-card, however won't get refilled until Monday. So, I was only able to get about half the stuff I need for the month, but it's good enough to end the involuntary fast. I'll take it.

Worked out. Ate. Slept.

I was up all night last night, working. So, when I finally did sleep, I slept deep.

The working out today, I've gotta say... was rough. I mentioned in a previous post that I'd torqued my knee getting out of a car last week. It's still bugging me.

I say "knee," but really it's the entire leg from the knee down. It's achy in spots, throbbing in others and numb everywhere else.

Yes. I have thought about maybe putting off the walks and squats until it's feeling better. But, it's a frustrating line of thought. After all, I just got started back into working out after being sick all that time. Still, it is indeed better to be safe than it is to be sorry. So, I have stepped back the walking (pun) a little bit. I'm limping, so I only walk until it starts to hurt or go numb. Yesterday, I did three walks. My leg was very sore when I woke up. Today, I only did two. If I'm overly sore in the morning again, tomorrow then I'll just stop doing the walks, period, until my leg feels up to it. As for squats,... the knee doesn't really hurt while I'm doing them, so... I'm not sure. But, I think I'm going to err on the side of caution.

Again,... a marathon rather than a sprint.

See you tomorrow!

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Friday, March 29, 2013

Challenge Two: Day Thirty-Six

(Click on image to enlarge.)

Breakfast: 7am
1 Peanut-Butter-Cup Visalus Shake

Mid-Morning: 11am
1 Peanut-Butter-Cup Visalus Shake

Lunch: 2pm
1 Heaping Tablespoon of Peanut Butter
16oz. V8 (Low Sodium, Spicy Hot)
32oz. Water

Mid-Afternoon: 5pm
1 Chocolate Visalus Shake
12oz. Diet Rite

Evening: 7pm
1 Peanut Butter & Banana Visalus Shake


State of Being:
Starting to feel the lows (blood-sugar-wise) from the pseudo-fasting.

Only one-day in, that’s not so good.

Hangin’ in there.

See you tomorrow!

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Thursday, March 28, 2013

Challenge Two: Day Thirty-Five

(Click on image to enlarge.)

Breakfast: 8am
1 Mocha Cappuccino Visalus Shake

Mid-Morning: Nothing.

Lunch: 12noon
1 Chicken Breast (w/Tabasco Sauce)
1 Cup of Steamed Stir-Fry Vegetables (w/Soy Sauce)
32oz. Water

Mid-Afternoon: Nothing.

Evening: 9pm
1 Chocolate Visalus Shake


Shadow-Boxing: (Minutes)



State of Being:
Feeling really great!
Really tired!
Really sore!
Really excited!

Workout went well today. Hard, but my joints cooperated with me (mostly) and I got through it fine.

Things are definitely back on track!

See you tomorrow!

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Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Challenge Two: Day Thirty-Four

(Click on image to enlarge.)

Breakfast: 9am
1 Butterfinger Visalus Shake

Mid-Morning: 11am
1 Butterfinger Visalus Shake

Lunch: 2pm
1 Chicken Breast (w/Black Pepper)
16oz. V8 (Low Sodium, Spicy Hot)
64oz. Water

Mid-Afternoon: 6pm
1 Sweet Cream Visalus Shake

Evening: 8pm
2 Heaping Tablespoons Peanut Butter
1 Can of Green Beans
64oz. Water


State of Being:
Feeling good.

Today was a walk-only day, workout-wise. So, it was definitely easier than yesterday, which, as I predicted, left me aching today.

My mom brought me some milk too. There was a really good deal on it at our local Aldi’s so, I now have milk for my shakes for my little controlled-fasting period, which starts tomorrow. Which is awesome!

See you tomorrow!

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Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Challenge Two: Day Thirty-Three

(Click on image to enlarge.)

Breakfast: 9am
1 Chocolate Visalus Shake

Mid-Morning: 12noon
1 Cheeseburger Patty (w/Jalapeno Slices)
16oz. V8 (Low Sodium, Spicy Hot)
32oz. Water

Lunch: 3pm
1 Chocolate-Covered Blackberry Visalus Shake

Mid-Afternoon: 6pm
1 Chicken Breast (w/Black Pepper)
16oz. V8 (Low Sodium, Spicy Hot)
32oz. Water

Evening: 8pm
1 Chicken Breast (w/Black Pepper)
2 Cups of Steamed Vegetables (w/Broccoli, Cauliflower, Carrots, Winter Squash & Zucchini)
32oz. Water


Shadow-Boxing: (Minutes)



State of Being:
I feel both good and worn-out after today.

And now, a Stream-of-Consciousness Narrative of my return to working out...


Finally! Ok, time to get back into this. I'll just knock out a few walks today. Maybe three or four. I'll do two now and then one or two this evening before dinner.

Huh... Was the dumpster always that far away? I mean, I've been down a couple months. It's possible they lengthened the parking lot since the last time I tried this.

No,... no... the parking lot's still the same length as the building and there's no way they added any units onto the building in just two months. Maybe it's the weather. This cold-snap is making things... OH MY GOD, my back hurts! What the...? Ok,... almost there... almost... Ok, made it.

Now, I just have to walk all the way back.


Ok, let's do this...

One, Two.
One, Two, Three, Four.
One, Two, Three, Four, One, Two.

Wow, man... thin-air is kicking your ass, and laughing at your feeble punches.



Ok, now this should be simple. You're just standing still. You've got the cabinet to grab onto in case your right knee gives out like it did that one time... OK, like it did those four times...

HOLY! Really??? I wasn't even half-way down yet!




Don't look at the stop-watch yet! NO! DON'T!!! SAVE IT!!!

OK... Ok.... Look! Go ahead!




Now, you might be thinking, at this point;
"Chris, if today was your first day back, you should have taken it slow and easy."

Well, HA HA! Joke's on you! That WAS "taking it slow and easy!"

Some good news, though... I was a little off in assessing how much food I had left. I think I have enough food to eat fairly-normally tomorrow and after that I’ll still have a couple 46oz. bottles of V8, half a jar of peanut butter, a can of tuna fish, two cans of Crushed Tomato, two cans of sliced green chilies, a can of Dinty Moore Beef Stew and a bag of frozen, sliced Okra. It's amazing what you'll find at the back of storage areas. Also, it turns out that I had another baggie of frozen banana slices that seems to have slipped behind the ice-bucket in my freezer. Those are great to thicken-up a shake in the blender along with some peanut butter. So, I’ll be stretching those things out over the course of the next five or six days.

I’m actually kinda looking forward to this. (That really wasn't sarcasm.) It’s like a mini-Challenge in and of itself. Not nearly so unhealthy as an actual “fast” and it’ll give me plenty to write about. lol

Another video coming soon!

See you tomorrow!

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Monday, March 25, 2013

Challenge Two: Day Thirty-Two

(Click on image to enlarge.)

Breakfast: 10am
1 Chocolate-Covered Blackberry Visalus Shake
32oz. Water

Mid-Morning: 12noon
1 Cup of Steamed Vegetables (w/Winter Squash, Zucchini, Carrots, Broccoli, & Cauliflower)
1 Chicken Breast (w/Every last fiber of avian-muscle-tissue, absolutely DROWNED in Tabasco Sauce)
64oz. Water

Lunch: 4pm
1 Peanut Butter & Banana Visalus Shake
32oz. Water

Mid-Afternoon: 7pm
1 Bowl of Oatmeal (what technically constituted 2 servings, according to the box, but since their measurements are clearly intended for gnomes, I kinda dialed it in for actual human proportions)
64oz. Water

Evening: 8pm
1 Chocolate-Covered Blackberry Visalus Shake
64oz. Water

(Click on image to enlarge.)

State of Being:
Feeling pretty good today. My knee is almost fully recovered from last week’s little snap-crackle-pop incident. Foot’s still occasionally going numb, though. So, definitely a pinched nerve, but the pain and swelling in the knee itself is pretty much negligible at this point. Surprising, considering that my knee usually throbs a bit when it snows, and it dumped about three inches on us last night.

The recovery couldn't have come at a more fortuitous time. Today was the last day of the "Arbitrary 5 Days" I was making myself wait, after feeling better from my two months illness.' So, my workouts resume tomorrow!

It's an excellent sign that I'm looking forward to working out again, right? Not just a sign that I've gone crazy with cabin-fever?

Did a lot of house cleaning today. Still a bunch to do, but I’ve set the bar a little higher than I normally would on a typical Monday. I’m going through and throwing out stuff I just don't want anymore. I have at least a couple hundred pounds worth of RPG rulebooks from games that I know I’ll never play again. I’m going to be putting all of it up on eBay. Most of the books in question are outdated, edition-wise, so I likely won’t get much for them. What I can’t sell, I’ll just give away to anybody who wants ‘em.

This week is going to be kind of an iron-hand experience, to borrow a term from Viet Nam War-era Marine Bomber-Pilot jargon. By about Wednesday, I’m going to be completely out of food and living exclusively on Vi-Shakes (mixed with water instead of milk) and Water. This will continue until Monday, when I can get to the store again.

I mentioned in my last video, about how all of my income and expenses have leaned heavily toward my detriment in the wake of this year’s governmental-policy-changes. Well,… this is just an example of how I haven’t yet been able to adjust.

I’ll get there, it’s just going to take a few months. But, I’ll be alright.

I actually went up to the Kent Outreach Foodbank last Friday and got some stuff. Unfortunately, just about 99% of what they have there consists of Salt, Sugar and Starch molded into various forms (ie: Ramen Noodles, Pasta, Cup-a-Soup, Apple-Sauce, Potato-Flakes, Cereal, etc.) It has changed for the better recently, though. You're still only allowed to go once a month. But, it used to be that they would just give you two shopping bags full of Ramen Noodles, Potato-Flakes and Cereal. Seriously. Now, at least, they have kind of an open inventory that you can pick things from, to fill the two bags yourself. I got a box of Oatmeal, a bag of yellow Onions and a Ziploc-baggie full of steaks that somebody had grilled and frozen. I also got a bunch of noodles, rice, frozen pizza and potatoes,... which I gave to a few of my neighbors, whom I know are having a tough time with the policy changes as well.

Not much stuff that I could use for myself, but it'll get me through Tuesday, anyway.

Given that the shakes only have about a hundred-fifty calories in them, without milk or berries or anything mixed-in, I’ll likely need to be drinking four or five a day. But, it’s only for a few days, so I’m looking at it as kind of a cleanse experience, a “Nutrient-Enriched Fast” if you will.

I hope this winter ends soon. I Love winter. I look forward to it every fall. But, by the time it’s over, each year… I’m really ready for it to end. While I do enjoy the season, I think it outlives my taste for it, by about one-and-a-half to two months, in Ohio.

I mention it, because my skin’s getting so dry that my CPAP mask is starting to chafe my face in the night. I’d use lotion, but whenever any kind of moisturizer so much as touches my face, I break out.

I’m not complaining, with all of this stuff. Just sharing what’s been presently on my mind, today.

P.S.: Yeah! In case you didn't notice in my food-log from today, I drank a TON of water. What's with that? I've just been incredibly thirsty all day. Weird. Must be the dryness of winter, finally catching up with me.

See you tomorrow!

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Sunday, March 24, 2013

Challenge Two: Day Thirty-One

(Click on image to enlarge.)

Breakfast: 5am
1 Chocolate Visalus Shake

Mid-Morning: Nothing.

Lunch: Nothing.

Mid-Afternoon: Nothing.

Evening: 9pm
1 Peanut Butter & Banana Visalus Shake

(Click on image to enlarge.)

State of Being:
I was asleep, practically all day, after a busy Saturday morning, a busy Saturday afternoon and a Saturday night spent gaming until the wee-hours.

Nothing at all to report today since I wasn’t there for most of it.

See you tomorrow!

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Saturday, March 23, 2013

Challenge Two: Day Thirty

(Click on image to enlarge.)

Breakfast: 10am
1 Sweet Cream Visalus Shake

Mid-Morning: 1pm
1 Cheeseburger Patty (w/Jalapeno Slices)
2 Cups of Stir-Fry Vegetables
1 Slice of Whole Grain Oatmeal Bread (w/Butter)
12oz. Diet Rite

Lunch: 2pm
1 Peanut Butter Cup Visalus Shake

Mid-Afternoon: 4pm
4 Slices of Chopped Ham
2 Slices of American Cheese
32oz. Water

Evening: (Will Update Tomorrow. Headed out in a few.)

(Click on image to enlarge.)

State of Being:
This is going up early, since I’m heading out in a few minutes.

See you tomorrow!

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Friday, March 22, 2013

Challenge Two: Day Twenty-Nine

(Click on image to enlarge.)

Breakfast: 6am
1 Chocolate Covered Strawberry Visalus Shake

Mid-Morning: 10am
1 Cheeseburger Patty (w/Green & Yellow Onions, Jalapenos, Black Pepper, Ketchup & Mustard)
32oz. Water

Lunch: Nothing.

Mid-Afternoon: 4pm
1 Sirloin Steak (w/Pepper)
32oz. Water

Evening: 8pm
1 Butterfinger Visalus Shake (I know,… I’m boring. But this flavor is addictive.)

(Click on image to enlarge.)

State of Being:
Good day today.

Got a couple friends started on their own 90 Day Challenges and heard the amazing results of some others whom I got started almost 90 Days ago!

I Love that helping people get healthier is what I do for a living now. Just a few minutes of conversation with someone who has reached their goals since getting started is about the most satisfying and (in a totally selfish way) validating things you’ve ever experienced.

In other news, I did something to my knee getting out of the backseat of a car today. It was a compact and the back-door was, (this will only make sense to morbidly obese people) at an extreme angle to climb out of. It wasn’t really climbing out that did it, but (here’s another one that only the very heavy will comprehend) that first awkwardly quick shuffle-step to correct my balance once I was standing, that did it. I felt a sharp “POP” and it’s been aching ever since. Also, the sole of my right foot keeps going numb. It’s very distracting.

I’m looking at some changes I can make to my diet in the next few days/weeks. I’ll go into this in more detail in tomorrow’s weigh-in video, but the gist is this… In the wake of my slipping-up and getting so sidetracked in the first few weeks of this current challenge, I’ve been looking at ways to make my diet a bit more livable.

Granted, some really big, potent sources of stress jumped out from behind a corner to waylay me with a sock full of doorknobs and buckles right as my first Challenge was ending and the second was beginning. But, stuff like that is going to happen and I need to do everything I can to make sure that dietary-fidelity is not one of the first things burned on the altar of frustration, should it happen again. So,…

1. Reintroducing Pop.
(That’s “soda” to those of you not from Northeastern Ohio.)

Don’t freak out. I’m not doing it blindly. I’ve done my homework and there’s a very specific way I intend to do this. That way can be summarized in two words; “Diet Rite.”

The big issue that drove my decision to eliminate diet pop in the first place revolved around questions over the artificial sweeteners they use and how they might slow down weight-loss or even trigger an insulin reaction in people with insulin conditions (like me.) I should also note that I still can’t determine whether or not that’s even true because, while the internet drowns one in information, it provides no compass for discerning credibility.

So, here are some facts, verifiable to me by my own life-experience;… Diet Rite, (in addition to having zero carbs, sodium, caffeine or calories,) uses the exact same sweetener (Sucralose) in the exact same proportion as Vi-Shape. Obviously, Vi-Shape hasn’t been slowing my metabolism, anymore than gasoline will slow a campfire, so Diet Rite’s gotta be OK. Also, I’ll be restricting myself to 12oz. every other day, and as much as I want while gaming on Saturday nights. This is a far cry from my old method of 2 to 3 liters of Diet Coke per day, 24-7-365.

2. Introducing Whole Grains.

With Insulin Resistance, you need to be very careful with grains of any kind. Yes, even the healthy kind.

The problem is the glycemic index, (how quickly something raises your blood sugar.)

Since, insulin is released into the bloodstream specifically as a countermeasure to regulate blood sugar, anything that raises your blood sugar significantly is inherently dangerous when you’re blood is insulin resistant.

The blood response to insulin is to stop the production of insulin. When your insulin sensitivity is low, (ie; your blood is “Insulin Resistant,”) your blood doesn’t respond to the insulin. The body however, is designed to keep producing insulin until your blood responds. In me, this doesn’t occur until the levels are very high. Everything else, however… does respond to the insulin… pretty much right away, like it’s supposed to.

The blood reaction, however is your body’s one-and-only governor on your insulin levels.

The result is that…

1. Your metabolic serum-sugar regulation system responds to the insulin big-time as your insulin spikes through the roof and your blood sugar, commensurately drops down through the basement floor. This makes you feel like absolute hell, both physically and emotionally. Severely low blood-sugar means low energy, fatigue and borderline-suicidal depression.

2. Your brain’s starvation hunger-response, is activated. With a normal level of insulin this means that you have some slight cravings. As your insulin spikes, however you begin feeling ravenously hungry.

3. Your metabolic starvation response is activated. With a normal level of insulin this means that your body begins holding back and storing a small amount of what you’ve eaten in your fat cells. As your insulin spikes, however you begin storing practically everything you eat in your fat cells.

4. Bonus: If your insulin ever gets high enough… your heart will stop. Yeah, it has that effect too. In fact, direct injection of insulin into a sleeping victim, via a freckle or mole has been used as a virtually undetectable murder-method in a couple of mystery novels. Now, I’ve managed to avoid this, thus far despite having insulin spikes high enough to literally (no kidding) kill a horse, due to the fact that my IR began in early-adolescence and has gotten worse over the years. So, I’ve built an immunity to this particular effect. But, I’m not completely impervious to it. It could still happen if my levels ever got high enough. In fact, eventually… it would happen. There's no doubt about it. That’s one of the reasons behind the pair of terminal diagnoses I got a few years ago.

So, glycemic index becomes a very important thing for you to check out when you’re insulin resistant.

It can be a tricky thing, too.
For example; Did you know that Shredded Wheat has a higher glycemic index than table-sugar?

Did that register?

Shredded Wheat raises your blood sugar faster than sugar.
Shredded Wheat... the "Heart-Smart Breakfast Alternative," could stop my heart.

Makes the whole world suddenly feel like it's filled with landmines.

Anyway, in spite of being on a very strict glycemic index diet, due to my condition,… I still have to have carbohydrates. When you only get your carbs from vegetables, you really start to feel the pinch, so to speak.

So, I’m going to be reintroducing a modest serving of whole grains, once every three or four days. I’ve gone over this decision with my doctor and he believes it to be a good idea, as a way to control cravings, long term, as well.

To be fair,… in my first Challenge, it made a lot of sense to be in Super-Beast-Mode, diet-wise. I had a lot to prove to myself… and I did it.

You can’t keep sprinting forever, though. Eventually, you’ve got to come down to a more sustainable pace, or you’re just setting yourself up for failure as surely as if you'd started having chocolate cake for breakfast.

So, after… believe me… a great deal of soul-searching, deliberation and, most importantly, consultation with my doctor, I’ve decided to make these changes.

Don’t get me wrong, here… I mean,... look at these changes. I’m still very much in Beast Mode. lol Just not White-Knuckled, Swinging-for-the-Fences, Guns-Blazing Super-Beast Mode.

Again, I’ll talk more about this in an upcoming video. But, I wanted to cover it here, in writing, where I can make sure to leave nothing out.

See you tomorrow!

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Thursday, March 21, 2013

Challenge Two: Day Twenty-Eight

(Click on image to enlarge.)

Breakfast: 6am
1 Peanut-Butter Banana Visalus Shake

Mid-Morning: Nothing.

Lunch: 1pm
1 Cheeseburger Patty
2 Cups of Stir-Fry Vegetables
32oz. Water

Mid-Afternoon: 6pm
16oz. V8 (Low Sodium, Spicy Hot)

Evening: 9pm
1 Peanut Butter & Banana Visalus Shake

(Click on image to enlarge.)

State of Being:
Feeling alllllllmost better today. There’s the tiniest little bit of fatigue and body-aches lingering, but other than that, I think I’m good.

And believe me, I’m thankful for that!

I was just thinking about this today; I’ve been sick with whatever that was since the last week of January. I was starting to forget what normal felt like.

Things are pretty rough right now financially. A lot of my bills were raised last month, (rent, electric, gas, etc,) and this month, I’m really starting to feel the pinch.

Trying to stay positive and maintain some patience. Things will get better.

Finally got my health back, so that’s more than enough for now! :)

See you tomorrow!

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Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Challenge Two: Day Twenty-Seven

(Click on image to enlarge.)

Breakfast: 6am
1 Chocolate-Covered Strawberry Visalus Shake

Mid-Morning: Nothing.

Lunch: 1pm
1 Cheeseburger Patty
2 Cups of Steamed Broccoli & Cauliflower (w/Cheese)
32oz. Water

Mid-Afternoon: 6pm
16oz. V8 (Low Sodium, Spicy Hot)

Evening: 9pm
1 Peanut Butter & Banana Visalus Shake

(Click on image to enlarge.)

State of Being:
Today was really a day of refocusing-on-goals, for me.

I spent a lot of time thinking about where I started, how far I’ve come, where I want to go and how much further I have to go, to get there.

Both looking-forward-to and dreading this Saturday’s weigh-in.

Dreading it because I know that there’s likely been some regain. I was plateauing already, then a whole flock of really stressful elements dropped into my life, I fell off my diet for a little while and I really lost focus all at the same time.

Looking forward to it, because I feel very much in the dark right now, as far as where I actually stand with everything. It’ll be nice to finally have my bearings again. I mean, I know it hasn’t been that long really. Just a month. But, when you’re spinning out of control, a month feels like forever. Don’t get me wrong, I’m back in control again, but I’m very curious to know how much damage I did so that I can start putting the pieces back together.

See you tomorrow!

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Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Challenge Two: Day Twenty-Six

Breakfast: 10am
1 Sweet Cream Visalus Shake

Mid-Morning: Nothing.

Lunch: 2pm
1 Cheeseburger Patty (no bun)
32oz. V8 (Low Sodium, Spicy Hot)
32oz. Water

Mid-Afternoon: 5pm
16oz. V8 (Low Sodium, Spicy Hot)

Evening: 8pm
1 Butterfinger Visalus Shake

(Click on image to enlarge.)

State of Being:
Nothing to report today.

Feeling better. Might finally see the end of this flu, or whatever it is, soon.

See you tomorrow!

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Monday, March 18, 2013

Challenge Two: Day Twenty-Five

(Click on image to enlarge)

Breakfast: 9am
1 Peanut Butter & Banana Visalus Shake

Mid-Morning: Nothing.

Lunch: 1pm
1 Lrg. Pizza Salad
32oz. Water

Mid-Afternoon: 5pm
1 Small Handful, Dark Chocolate Chips
32oz. Water

Evening: 7pm
1 Avocado & Lime Visalus Shake (I call it the “Holy Guacamole")

(Click on image to enlarge)

State of Being:

See you tomorrow!

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