Monday, November 26, 2012

Day One

Workout: 9am
--Drew the "Arms" card today--
((The "Deck" (which is just a handful of note-cards labelled with a Sharpie) includes six cards... Chest, Upper-Back, Lower-Back, Arms, Abs, and Legs. I shuffle the deck and draw one card randomly. The area of the body indicated by the draw is the area I focus on for that day's workout. For now, I do one exercise for each of the major muscle groups of a given day's area, starting with the largest group and working downward to the smallest. The day's card is then placed into a discard pile for the rest of the week. I do this to keep myself from settling into too much of a regular routine.))

(click on image to enlarge)

~Side Lateral Dumbbell Raises - (Deltoids) - 20lbs. Resistance - 3 Sets of 15 Repetitions
~Dumbbell Kickbacks - (Triceps) - 20lbs. Resistance - 3 Sets of 15 Repetitions
~Seated Dumbbell Curls - (Biceps) - 20lbs. Resistance - 3 Sets of 15 Repetitions
~Wrist Curls - (Extensors & Flexors) - 20lbs. Resistance - 3 Sets of 15 Repetitions

Breakfast: 9:45am
1 Butterfinger Visalus Shake

Mid-Morning: 11:30am
12oz. Glass of V8 (Low Sodium, Spicy Hot)

Lunch: 2pm
1 Orange Julius Visalus Shake

Mid-Afternoon: 4pm-ish (I forgot to look at the clock)
12oz. Glass of V8 (Low Sodium, Spicy Hot)

Evening: 10pm
Reheated Boneless Chicken Breast
1 Cup Steamed Broccoli

State of Being:
Early-on, I felt pretty good. I've been suffering through a pretty bad cold this week, so I've been congested. It made the workout a little tougher than normal. Hot shower after breakfast felt great. I took a couple Ibuprofen with Lunch, that helped a little.

Midday-through-Late-Afternoon, I was fading a little bit. Felt kinda sleepy. Again, though... I really attribute this to the cold. I laid down for a quick, one-hour power-nap at about 3pm. Felt better afterward.

Evening-Night, I felt great (aside from the cold and headache) and had energy. Spent some time with Scott and Sarah, which was an awesome time!

Love you guys!

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