Monday, April 1, 2013

Challenge Two: Day Thirty-Nine

Breakfast: 9am
4 Buttermilk Pancakes (w/Butter, Maple Syrup & Powdered Sugar)
8 Strips of Bacon
2 Cups of Hash-Browns (w/Salt)
32oz. Chocolate Milk

Mid-Morning: 11am
1 King-Size Snickers Bar
1 King-Size Mr. Goodbar
24oz. Cherry Coke

Lunch: 2pm
1 Large Pepperoni & Sausage Pizza
48oz. Mountain Dew

Mid-Afternoon: 4pm
1 Slice of Apple Pie (w/2 Scoops of Vanilla Ice-Cream)

Evening: 6pm
8pc. Chicken & Jojos
Extra Jojos (w/Ketchup & Salt)
1pt. Cole Slaw
2 Lrg. Pieces of Chocolate Cake


(Click on image to enlarge.)

Breakfast: 9am
1 Sweet-Cream Visalus Shake

Mid-Morning: 11am
16oz. V8 (Low Sodium, Spicy Hot)

Lunch: 2pm
1 Chocolate Visalus Shake

Mid-Afternoon: Nothing.

Evening: 6pm
1 Chuck-Eye Steak
32oz. Water

Military Dumbbell Press: 15 lbs. Each Hand. 3 Sets, 15 Repetitions

Bent-Over Lateral Shoulder Raises: 15 lbs. Each Hand. 3 Sets, 15 Repetitions

Tricep Dumbbell Kickbacks: 15 lbs. Each Hand. 3 Sets, 15 Repetitions

Dumbbell Curls: 15 lbs. Each Hand. 3 Sets, 15 Repetitions

Wrist Curls: 15 lbs. Each Hand. 3 Sets, 15 Repetitions

State of Being:
A long day. But a good day.

Broke out the dumbbells for the first time in a while, since I’m not going to be doing any walks, squats or planks until my leg’s better. It felt good. Decided to work arms & shoulders.

The weather keeps swinging back and forth between winter and spring, here in Ohio. I’m amazed that I haven’t gotten sick in the last week or so, after all that time with the flu. lol

Soon, I’m going to be incorporating some interviews and profiles with other people who are on the Challenge, with my normal daily updates.

If you’re reading this, and you’re on the Challenge, and you’d like to be interviewed, please get in touch with me.

See you tomorrow!

Click HERE for My Story

Click HERE for My Videos


1 comment:

  1. I read that first part and was blown away. 32oz of chocolate milk!?!?! Then I kept reading and man you had me! I was so getting ready to lecture you on your poor decision making! Happy April Fool's to you too!
