Walk-Count: 2 (Didn’t want to push it.)
Breakfast: 11am (Yeah, I slept in today.)
1 Eye of Round Steak (w/Salt & Pepper)
64oz. Water
Mid-Morning: 1pm
16oz. V8 (Low Sodium, Spicy Hot)
Lunch: 3pm
1 Orange-Everyday-Defense Visalus Shake (w/Water)
(Yup. Ran out of milk yesterday. One day shy of getting to the store! Drat!)
Mid-Afternoon: Nothing.
Evening: 7pm
1 Strawberry-Phyto-Power Visalus Shake (w/Water)
State of Being:
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Click HERE for My Story
Click HERE to Come With Me
Monday, December 31, 2012
Sunday, December 30, 2012
Day Thirty-Seven
Breakfast: 7am
1 Peach-Complexion Visalus Shake
Mid-Morning: 11am
16oz. V8 (Low Sodium, Spicy Hot)
32oz. Water
Lunch: 1pm
1 Strawberry-Phyto-Power Visalus Shake
Mid-Afternoon: 5pm
2 Chicken Thighs (w/Bullseye “Kansas City” BBQ Sauce)
64oz. Water
Evening: 7pm
2 Chicken Thighs
1cup Steamed Brussels Sprouts (w/Butter Sauce)
32oz. Water
State of Being:
Doubts and fears are a big part of this journey. Just like rocks and pitfalls are a big part of any long path through unfamiliar territory. It’s OK. They’re supposed to be there. This wouldn’t be a Challenge if you never encountered anything challenging, now would it?
Those doubts and fears have had an enormous impact on me in the past. They got their claws in deep at certain points. As I’ve talked about before, they nearly lead me right up to and over the cliff’s edge of my own death. That happened more than once,… and, to be completely honest and fully transparent about it; it has continued to try to happen, periodically, ever since.
It tried, very seriously, to talk me back out to that edge today.
That voice, that source of all those doubts, the place where all of those fears twist and fester in my heart, it’s all a part of the mountain I’m trying to bring down. It’s all a part of the “enemy” that I face on a daily basis. I hope that you will understand this, that you will feel what I’m feeling and what I need to share. If you’ve been following me on this journey, thus far, I need for you to understand what happened today. I need you to understand what it means.
I consider myself a writer for two reasons, because I am a Lover of words, and more importantly, because I express myself best in the medium of storytelling. At the risk of being corny, that’s how I’m going to proceed today. What I have to express is particularly important and it weighs on me heavily to get this across to you. So, in figurative and metaphorical terms, let me just say that I had an unpleasant but ultimately motivating discussion with my least favorite person this morning. I'm going to relate this encounter as best as I can, in a short, little story that I'll call...
The Lion
In the very early hours, when it was still dark, I happened to wake-up. I laid there for a while. The little telltale throb below my ribs let me know that my back was still very much injured and that, as a result, there would be no walking today.
I reflected on things for quite a while, not really knowing how to feel. That place, the inner balancing-scales where I look at myself and my life, has become a very foreign, even alien thing to me ever since I decided to let go of my negativity and self-hatred and to actually fight for myself. It’s new and like in any *new* place I always feel a little out of sorts there, out of my element, at least for now. I was still too tired to feel really frustrated yet. I hadn’t planned on my back-injury keeping me laid-up for as long as it has, and the fact that I still haven’t been able to exercise in nearly a week has added all kinds of anxieties and questions… unknown futures… to my vision of the path.
The Adversary, whom I’ve mentioned before, was there. It’s always there.
I could feel it looming over me, massive, heavy, and equal-parts morose and gleefully cruel. It’s presence is a constant in my life. I’m used to that, such as it is. But, it’s direct attention,… those times when I know it’s eager to push me around and mess with me, bring a feeling similar to the dilating moments in the midst of a car accident or a bad fall, so I can’t be certain how much time had passed before it began to speak.
“I told you so,” it half moaned, half gloated. “Sure, I made quite a bit more progress than I’d ever managed to make before. I guess I can go on feeling proud of that if it makes me feel better. Just remember that a light-bulb always flashes brightest just before it burns out.”
The Adversary, I should note, always refers to itself as if it is me. It tries to convince me that its words are my thoughts and my opinions. It tries to convince me that it is nothing more than the more rational and realistic side of my own mind.
Hearing it’s words, I closed my eyes and tried not to think that way.
“I knew from the start, though. Didn’t I?” it murmured. “I knew that ultimately, there would be too many obstacles for me to be able to overcome them all. I’m just not suited for this life. How much can anyone really expect from someone abandoned by God to face the world in a twisted, broken body carrying three-times its normal weight. In those circumstances,… surrender isn’t a "defeat." It’s an entitlement. There’s no shame in that.”
I kept my eyes closed and repeated to myself,
“I already decided this. I’m not giving up this time. Nothing will make me give this up. To stop me, you’re going to have to kill me,” and I reflected, “There was a time, when my anxiety, laying here in bed, would be because I didn’t *want* to exercise, for fear of pain. Now, I’m just angry because exercising, *in spite of* the pain would be a bad idea, regardless of how much I want to do it. But, I really do *want* to, don’t I? That means something.”
The Adversary didn’t seem convinced. To be honest, I wasn't sure if I was, either. It offered its own perspective on my observation.
“The gazelle lunges and convulses to get away from the jaws of the lion that’s brought it down. It does so even though the act brings terrible pain. But, it isn’t a statement of hope on the gazelle’s part. It isn’t defiance. It’s just a primal reaction in the face of inevitable death. The prey knows it’s about to be eaten, so it panics. It might even land a lucky kick or two across the lion’s flank as it struggles. But, the lion’s barely going to notice and the gazelle’s going to die just the same. I shouldn’t mistake my panicked death-rattles for valiant heroics.”
It was at that moment, that I realized something. Even as I sit here now, going over it again in my mind, there’s an energy that’s alive and moving within me. Something is different for me now. In fact, *everything* is different now.
Maybe it happened because the analogy just didn’t land right in my brain. Or maybe it landed a little *too* right. For whatever reason, I realized that it was incorrect. I saw behind the curtain, if only for a second,… and that was all it took.
I asked,…
“So, why aren’t I dead yet?” and I went on,… “The lion’s proverbial ‘jaws’ have been in me for years now. What’s it waiting for?”
And at that, it was over.
The doubts and fears just weren’t hovering right before my face anymore.
No, the Adversary wasn’t “gone.” It was just,… no longer willing, perhaps no longer able to be so close to me. It’s still here. It always is. But, now it’s where it usually is,… pacing back and forth, just out of reach, glowering at me,… waiting for me to slip.
But, that’s the thing.
That’s what I’ve realized.
It’s only got two moves; 1 - To wait for me to slip, and 2 - To taunt me. To try to convince me to slip. It NEEDS me to slip, in order for it to win. As long as I’m willing to stand my ground, it is absolutely incapable of taking my ground from me. It can’t beat me. Therefore, it needs me to surrender.
Let that sink in. Absorb that for a minute.
See, it’s never actually beaten me before. It’s never killed me. I’ve suffered setbacks, but they were all just instances of me giving up. They were just examples of me surrendering. Laying down. This is what I want to share with you.
The gazelle analogy is irrelevant and inapplicable. Your fears, your doubts, your pain, your obstacles,… your Adversary,… is not a predator. It’s a scavenger. It doesn’t care *what* it finds laying dead in the fields, so long as something lays down and dies so that it can eat. It can’t bring you down. It can only reap the benefits of you giving up… bringing yourself down. It’s not a lion. It’s a jackal.
YOU are the lion.
Your Adversary, that mangy little bottom-feeding jackal might growl and bark at you from time to time. It will snort and huff, and bare its teeth. But, the minute you look right back into its eyes and show it YOUR jaws, it scampers off into the corner and goes back to its waiting, goes back to its own fears.
Now, you might be wondering why the jackal would taunt the lion.
Well, there are a lot of reasons. For one, we live in a world where lions tend not to realize what they are. Jackals know this. We’ve been convinced, by a lot of sources that we are nothing more than numbers,… just part of a herd. That we can’t really accomplish anything. Success, in anything, is only for the lucky or the exceptionally gifted, or those rare few who are both. That’s jackal-speak for “Stop trying.”
But, more than that, the jackal knows something. It knows something that you, as a lion, may not have figured out yet; That whether he eats you, or you eat him… is one-hundred percent, *your* decision. It’s in the jackal’s best interest to make lots of intimidating and scary-sounding noises and to puff up its chest so that it doesn’t look like prey. The last thing it wants is for you to realize that you could snap its spine in one bite if you wanted to.
Unfortunately, for my jackal, my Adversary… I realized that very thing this morning.
I’m not fighting against it. If that battle were to happen, it would be over in seconds. That’s why the Adversary will always make sure that it doesn’t happen.
I’m fighting in spite of it.
It’s not an opponent. It’s a heckler.
It’s just noise.
All you have to do, is tune it out.
See you tomorrow.
Click HERE for My Story
Click HERE to Come With Me
1 Peach-Complexion Visalus Shake
Mid-Morning: 11am
16oz. V8 (Low Sodium, Spicy Hot)
32oz. Water
Lunch: 1pm
1 Strawberry-Phyto-Power Visalus Shake
Mid-Afternoon: 5pm
2 Chicken Thighs (w/Bullseye “Kansas City” BBQ Sauce)
64oz. Water
Evening: 7pm
2 Chicken Thighs
1cup Steamed Brussels Sprouts (w/Butter Sauce)
32oz. Water
State of Being:
Doubts and fears are a big part of this journey. Just like rocks and pitfalls are a big part of any long path through unfamiliar territory. It’s OK. They’re supposed to be there. This wouldn’t be a Challenge if you never encountered anything challenging, now would it?
Those doubts and fears have had an enormous impact on me in the past. They got their claws in deep at certain points. As I’ve talked about before, they nearly lead me right up to and over the cliff’s edge of my own death. That happened more than once,… and, to be completely honest and fully transparent about it; it has continued to try to happen, periodically, ever since.
It tried, very seriously, to talk me back out to that edge today.
That voice, that source of all those doubts, the place where all of those fears twist and fester in my heart, it’s all a part of the mountain I’m trying to bring down. It’s all a part of the “enemy” that I face on a daily basis. I hope that you will understand this, that you will feel what I’m feeling and what I need to share. If you’ve been following me on this journey, thus far, I need for you to understand what happened today. I need you to understand what it means.
I consider myself a writer for two reasons, because I am a Lover of words, and more importantly, because I express myself best in the medium of storytelling. At the risk of being corny, that’s how I’m going to proceed today. What I have to express is particularly important and it weighs on me heavily to get this across to you. So, in figurative and metaphorical terms, let me just say that I had an unpleasant but ultimately motivating discussion with my least favorite person this morning. I'm going to relate this encounter as best as I can, in a short, little story that I'll call...
In the very early hours, when it was still dark, I happened to wake-up. I laid there for a while. The little telltale throb below my ribs let me know that my back was still very much injured and that, as a result, there would be no walking today.
I reflected on things for quite a while, not really knowing how to feel. That place, the inner balancing-scales where I look at myself and my life, has become a very foreign, even alien thing to me ever since I decided to let go of my negativity and self-hatred and to actually fight for myself. It’s new and like in any *new* place I always feel a little out of sorts there, out of my element, at least for now. I was still too tired to feel really frustrated yet. I hadn’t planned on my back-injury keeping me laid-up for as long as it has, and the fact that I still haven’t been able to exercise in nearly a week has added all kinds of anxieties and questions… unknown futures… to my vision of the path.
The Adversary, whom I’ve mentioned before, was there. It’s always there.
I could feel it looming over me, massive, heavy, and equal-parts morose and gleefully cruel. It’s presence is a constant in my life. I’m used to that, such as it is. But, it’s direct attention,… those times when I know it’s eager to push me around and mess with me, bring a feeling similar to the dilating moments in the midst of a car accident or a bad fall, so I can’t be certain how much time had passed before it began to speak.
“I told you so,” it half moaned, half gloated. “Sure, I made quite a bit more progress than I’d ever managed to make before. I guess I can go on feeling proud of that if it makes me feel better. Just remember that a light-bulb always flashes brightest just before it burns out.”
The Adversary, I should note, always refers to itself as if it is me. It tries to convince me that its words are my thoughts and my opinions. It tries to convince me that it is nothing more than the more rational and realistic side of my own mind.
Hearing it’s words, I closed my eyes and tried not to think that way.
“I knew from the start, though. Didn’t I?” it murmured. “I knew that ultimately, there would be too many obstacles for me to be able to overcome them all. I’m just not suited for this life. How much can anyone really expect from someone abandoned by God to face the world in a twisted, broken body carrying three-times its normal weight. In those circumstances,… surrender isn’t a "defeat." It’s an entitlement. There’s no shame in that.”
I kept my eyes closed and repeated to myself,
“I already decided this. I’m not giving up this time. Nothing will make me give this up. To stop me, you’re going to have to kill me,” and I reflected, “There was a time, when my anxiety, laying here in bed, would be because I didn’t *want* to exercise, for fear of pain. Now, I’m just angry because exercising, *in spite of* the pain would be a bad idea, regardless of how much I want to do it. But, I really do *want* to, don’t I? That means something.”
The Adversary didn’t seem convinced. To be honest, I wasn't sure if I was, either. It offered its own perspective on my observation.
“The gazelle lunges and convulses to get away from the jaws of the lion that’s brought it down. It does so even though the act brings terrible pain. But, it isn’t a statement of hope on the gazelle’s part. It isn’t defiance. It’s just a primal reaction in the face of inevitable death. The prey knows it’s about to be eaten, so it panics. It might even land a lucky kick or two across the lion’s flank as it struggles. But, the lion’s barely going to notice and the gazelle’s going to die just the same. I shouldn’t mistake my panicked death-rattles for valiant heroics.”
It was at that moment, that I realized something. Even as I sit here now, going over it again in my mind, there’s an energy that’s alive and moving within me. Something is different for me now. In fact, *everything* is different now.
Maybe it happened because the analogy just didn’t land right in my brain. Or maybe it landed a little *too* right. For whatever reason, I realized that it was incorrect. I saw behind the curtain, if only for a second,… and that was all it took.
I asked,…
“So, why aren’t I dead yet?” and I went on,… “The lion’s proverbial ‘jaws’ have been in me for years now. What’s it waiting for?”
And at that, it was over.
The doubts and fears just weren’t hovering right before my face anymore.
No, the Adversary wasn’t “gone.” It was just,… no longer willing, perhaps no longer able to be so close to me. It’s still here. It always is. But, now it’s where it usually is,… pacing back and forth, just out of reach, glowering at me,… waiting for me to slip.
But, that’s the thing.
That’s what I’ve realized.
It’s only got two moves; 1 - To wait for me to slip, and 2 - To taunt me. To try to convince me to slip. It NEEDS me to slip, in order for it to win. As long as I’m willing to stand my ground, it is absolutely incapable of taking my ground from me. It can’t beat me. Therefore, it needs me to surrender.
Let that sink in. Absorb that for a minute.
See, it’s never actually beaten me before. It’s never killed me. I’ve suffered setbacks, but they were all just instances of me giving up. They were just examples of me surrendering. Laying down. This is what I want to share with you.
The gazelle analogy is irrelevant and inapplicable. Your fears, your doubts, your pain, your obstacles,… your Adversary,… is not a predator. It’s a scavenger. It doesn’t care *what* it finds laying dead in the fields, so long as something lays down and dies so that it can eat. It can’t bring you down. It can only reap the benefits of you giving up… bringing yourself down. It’s not a lion. It’s a jackal.
YOU are the lion.
Your Adversary, that mangy little bottom-feeding jackal might growl and bark at you from time to time. It will snort and huff, and bare its teeth. But, the minute you look right back into its eyes and show it YOUR jaws, it scampers off into the corner and goes back to its waiting, goes back to its own fears.
Now, you might be wondering why the jackal would taunt the lion.
Well, there are a lot of reasons. For one, we live in a world where lions tend not to realize what they are. Jackals know this. We’ve been convinced, by a lot of sources that we are nothing more than numbers,… just part of a herd. That we can’t really accomplish anything. Success, in anything, is only for the lucky or the exceptionally gifted, or those rare few who are both. That’s jackal-speak for “Stop trying.”
But, more than that, the jackal knows something. It knows something that you, as a lion, may not have figured out yet; That whether he eats you, or you eat him… is one-hundred percent, *your* decision. It’s in the jackal’s best interest to make lots of intimidating and scary-sounding noises and to puff up its chest so that it doesn’t look like prey. The last thing it wants is for you to realize that you could snap its spine in one bite if you wanted to.
Unfortunately, for my jackal, my Adversary… I realized that very thing this morning.
I’m not fighting against it. If that battle were to happen, it would be over in seconds. That’s why the Adversary will always make sure that it doesn’t happen.
I’m fighting in spite of it.
It’s not an opponent. It’s a heckler.
It’s just noise.
All you have to do, is tune it out.
See you tomorrow.
Click HERE for My Story
Click HERE to Come With Me
Saturday, December 29, 2012
Day Thirty-Six
Walk-Count: Still hurt. No walking.
Breakfast: 6am
1 Eye of Round Steak (10oz.)
32oz. Water
Mid-Morning: Nothing.
Lunch: 1pm
1 Peanut Butter Cup Visalus Shake
Mid-Afternoon: 4pm
2 Strips Bacon
16oz. V8 (Low Sodium, Spicy Hot)
32oz. Water
Evening: 7pm
1 Chocolate Covered Strawberry-Phyto-Power Visalus Shake
State of Being:
When I first got out of bed this morning, I could swear my back was all better. I walked all the way to the bathroom, then into the kitchen, sat down, made breakfast, ate, got back up and on the walk back into the bedroom, my back started throbbing again.
I think I’m healing, but I’m definitely not there yet.
I’m being extra cautious about resuming my walks for several reasons…
1 - I just started a new routine. Any time you start a whole new thing, you need to be extra careful, since your body’s going through a transition. This is especially true when you’re as heavy as I am.
2 - There’s snow on the ground. The walk you saw me do in my Taking Out the Trash video was on dry, fairly warm pavement. When I walk, I have lots of weight moving around. Most of that extra weight is rooted to my frame above my center of gravity. As I walk, it swings, it shakes, it lists side-to-side and back-and-forth. In summary, every step I take is a real test of balance, strength, coordination and stamina. That’s on dry ground. When the ground is covered in wet snow that conceals little hidden patches of ice, I have to move even more slowly, to control all that shifting swinging weight. This means that the same walk that took me five minutes, a week ago when the ground was dry, will now take me approximately ten minutes. That’s ten minutes instead of five minutes’ worth of strain on my lower back just from being on my feet. Since my lower-back is the specific part of me that’s injured… well, snowfall has an indirect, albeit very real impact on the choices I have to make during recovery, as far as working out is concerned.
3 - At my weight, recovering from a muscle-injury to the back is just flat-out going to take longer than it would take for a normal-weight person. Also, if I make it worse, that recovery time is going to go up exponentially. The point is to get better, not worse.
So, in spite of my numerous proclamations to merciless Mother Nature that I am waiting as fast and hard as I possibly can… it seems all I can do, for the time being, is more waiting.
Going to start working on my next video tomorrow. It will go up on New Year’s Eve (the very next day) so, if there’s anything you want to ask me about or anything I haven’t covered about my condition, the diet plan,… anything, just drop me a line and ask away and I will give you a shout-out and answer your question on camera.
Really getting excited for the Resolution Rally on January 5th! I'm going to try to have a get-together over here at my place for the big announcement! I'll keep you posted! See you tomorrow!
Click HERE for My Story
Click HERE to Come With Me
Breakfast: 6am
1 Eye of Round Steak (10oz.)
32oz. Water
Mid-Morning: Nothing.
Lunch: 1pm
1 Peanut Butter Cup Visalus Shake
Mid-Afternoon: 4pm
2 Strips Bacon
16oz. V8 (Low Sodium, Spicy Hot)
32oz. Water
Evening: 7pm
1 Chocolate Covered Strawberry-Phyto-Power Visalus Shake
State of Being:
When I first got out of bed this morning, I could swear my back was all better. I walked all the way to the bathroom, then into the kitchen, sat down, made breakfast, ate, got back up and on the walk back into the bedroom, my back started throbbing again.
I think I’m healing, but I’m definitely not there yet.
I’m being extra cautious about resuming my walks for several reasons…
1 - I just started a new routine. Any time you start a whole new thing, you need to be extra careful, since your body’s going through a transition. This is especially true when you’re as heavy as I am.
2 - There’s snow on the ground. The walk you saw me do in my Taking Out the Trash video was on dry, fairly warm pavement. When I walk, I have lots of weight moving around. Most of that extra weight is rooted to my frame above my center of gravity. As I walk, it swings, it shakes, it lists side-to-side and back-and-forth. In summary, every step I take is a real test of balance, strength, coordination and stamina. That’s on dry ground. When the ground is covered in wet snow that conceals little hidden patches of ice, I have to move even more slowly, to control all that shifting swinging weight. This means that the same walk that took me five minutes, a week ago when the ground was dry, will now take me approximately ten minutes. That’s ten minutes instead of five minutes’ worth of strain on my lower back just from being on my feet. Since my lower-back is the specific part of me that’s injured… well, snowfall has an indirect, albeit very real impact on the choices I have to make during recovery, as far as working out is concerned.
3 - At my weight, recovering from a muscle-injury to the back is just flat-out going to take longer than it would take for a normal-weight person. Also, if I make it worse, that recovery time is going to go up exponentially. The point is to get better, not worse.
So, in spite of my numerous proclamations to merciless Mother Nature that I am waiting as fast and hard as I possibly can… it seems all I can do, for the time being, is more waiting.
Going to start working on my next video tomorrow. It will go up on New Year’s Eve (the very next day) so, if there’s anything you want to ask me about or anything I haven’t covered about my condition, the diet plan,… anything, just drop me a line and ask away and I will give you a shout-out and answer your question on camera.
Really getting excited for the Resolution Rally on January 5th! I'm going to try to have a get-together over here at my place for the big announcement! I'll keep you posted! See you tomorrow!
Click HERE for My Story
Click HERE to Come With Me
Friday, December 28, 2012
Day Thirty-Five
Walk-Count: No walking today.
Back’s still throbbing when I stand up. At this point, I’m thinking it’s definitely strained. I hope I’m not laid-up too long.
Breakfast: 7am
1 Chocolate Visalus Shake
Mid-Morning: 10am
1 Eye of Round Steak (10oz.)
16oz. V8 (Spicy Hot)
32oz. Water
Lunch: 2pm
1 Strawberry-Phyto-Power Visalus Shake
Mid-Afternoon: 5pm
1 Plate of Left-Over Taco Salad stuff from yesterday (I don’t really know how to measure that. It was a medium-sized plate-full.)
32oz. Water
Evening: Nothing. I just wasn’t hungry. That taco-salad was very filling.
State of Being:
Feeling really frustrated about my back today.
I wanted to hit the ground running, in changing things up from resistance-training to walking, and this injury is exactly the kind of snag I didn’t want to hit. Even so, I’m going to find something I can do, while seated or even while laying down, maybe. I don’t know. There just isn’t much you can do without involving your back.
Like I said; frustrating.
Other than that, I’m feeling pretty good. Working on coming up with a topic for my next video. I’m not sure what to address but I do have a couple of ideas. It’s going up in a few days, regardless of whether I come up with a worthwhile topic of discussion or not, so help me out!
If there’s anything that anybody reading this would like me to talk about or address, please let me know. Don’t worry about getting too personal or whathaveyou. Remember, this is all about transparency and often the person who’s describing a situation doesn’t really have the best perspective on whether or not they’re leaving the readers in the dark on large areas of the situation. Since I’m standing in it, it’s hard for me to tell how complete a picture I’m painting for you, on the outside, looking in. So, go crazy. Ask whatever you’d like. You can inbox me on Facebook, or you can even just email me at Cosmic.ZenStorm@gmail.com. Or, you can even call me at 330-548-5285.
I’m open to any suggestions. :)
See you guys tomorrow!
Click HERE for My Story
Click HERE to Come With Me
Back’s still throbbing when I stand up. At this point, I’m thinking it’s definitely strained. I hope I’m not laid-up too long.
Breakfast: 7am
1 Chocolate Visalus Shake
Mid-Morning: 10am
1 Eye of Round Steak (10oz.)
16oz. V8 (Spicy Hot)
32oz. Water
Lunch: 2pm
1 Strawberry-Phyto-Power Visalus Shake
Mid-Afternoon: 5pm
1 Plate of Left-Over Taco Salad stuff from yesterday (I don’t really know how to measure that. It was a medium-sized plate-full.)
32oz. Water
Evening: Nothing. I just wasn’t hungry. That taco-salad was very filling.
State of Being:
Feeling really frustrated about my back today.
I wanted to hit the ground running, in changing things up from resistance-training to walking, and this injury is exactly the kind of snag I didn’t want to hit. Even so, I’m going to find something I can do, while seated or even while laying down, maybe. I don’t know. There just isn’t much you can do without involving your back.
Like I said; frustrating.
Other than that, I’m feeling pretty good. Working on coming up with a topic for my next video. I’m not sure what to address but I do have a couple of ideas. It’s going up in a few days, regardless of whether I come up with a worthwhile topic of discussion or not, so help me out!
If there’s anything that anybody reading this would like me to talk about or address, please let me know. Don’t worry about getting too personal or whathaveyou. Remember, this is all about transparency and often the person who’s describing a situation doesn’t really have the best perspective on whether or not they’re leaving the readers in the dark on large areas of the situation. Since I’m standing in it, it’s hard for me to tell how complete a picture I’m painting for you, on the outside, looking in. So, go crazy. Ask whatever you’d like. You can inbox me on Facebook, or you can even just email me at Cosmic.ZenStorm@gmail.com. Or, you can even call me at 330-548-5285.
I’m open to any suggestions. :)
See you guys tomorrow!
Click HERE for My Story
Click HERE to Come With Me
Thursday, December 27, 2012
Day Thirty-Four
Walk-Count: Didn’t walk today.
Back is still killing me. I shouldn’t have walked yesterday, as I overdid it playing with my nephew on Christmas. (See yesterday’s entry for more.) Today, I took it easy so as not to hurt myself.
Breakfast: 9am
1 Chocolate Visalus Shake
Mid-Morning: 11am
1 Eye of Round Steak (approx. 10oz.)
32oz. Water
Lunch: 2pm
1 Orange-Everyday-Defense Visalus Shake
16oz. V8 (Low Sodium, Spicy Hot)
32oz. Water
Mid-Afternoon: 5pm
32oz. V8 (Spicy Hot)
32oz. Water
Evening: 7pm
1 Large Taco Salad
-Including: 1 lb. Ground Beef (w/Hot Taco Spices,)
-1/2 cup Refried Beans,
-1/2 cup Shredded “Mexican Blend” Cheese,
-1 cup “Christopher’s World-Infamous Hella-Salsa,”
-1/4 cup Sour Cream and 1 Diced Yellow Onion,
(Note: No chips or tortilla of any kind, just the guts of a taco salad, so to speak.)
96oz. Water (Not kidding. I refilled my 32oz. Stein twice, and drained it dry each time.)
State of Being:
Early-on, I slept and slept and slept. I set my alarm clock to wake me up when it was time to eat again, ate, waited about twenty minutes and went back to sleep. I’m trying to heal from my Christmas P90Mason workout, as my back is still pretty sore.
Afternoon, I worked for a few hours. Felt good. Relaxed and alert.
Now, after that dinner, I feel like I’m going to pop. I haven’t eaten that much at once in a long while. But, it was a perfectly healthy meal so… who cares.
I think I’m going to extend my no-walking thing through tomorrow as my back still hasn’t quite bounced back yet.
See you tomorrow!
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Back is still killing me. I shouldn’t have walked yesterday, as I overdid it playing with my nephew on Christmas. (See yesterday’s entry for more.) Today, I took it easy so as not to hurt myself.
Breakfast: 9am
1 Chocolate Visalus Shake
Mid-Morning: 11am
1 Eye of Round Steak (approx. 10oz.)
32oz. Water
Lunch: 2pm
1 Orange-Everyday-Defense Visalus Shake
16oz. V8 (Low Sodium, Spicy Hot)
32oz. Water
Mid-Afternoon: 5pm
32oz. V8 (Spicy Hot)
32oz. Water
Evening: 7pm
1 Large Taco Salad
-Including: 1 lb. Ground Beef (w/Hot Taco Spices,)
-1/2 cup Refried Beans,
-1/2 cup Shredded “Mexican Blend” Cheese,
-1 cup “Christopher’s World-Infamous Hella-Salsa,”
-1/4 cup Sour Cream and 1 Diced Yellow Onion,
(Note: No chips or tortilla of any kind, just the guts of a taco salad, so to speak.)
96oz. Water (Not kidding. I refilled my 32oz. Stein twice, and drained it dry each time.)
State of Being:
Early-on, I slept and slept and slept. I set my alarm clock to wake me up when it was time to eat again, ate, waited about twenty minutes and went back to sleep. I’m trying to heal from my Christmas P90Mason workout, as my back is still pretty sore.
Afternoon, I worked for a few hours. Felt good. Relaxed and alert.
Now, after that dinner, I feel like I’m going to pop. I haven’t eaten that much at once in a long while. But, it was a perfectly healthy meal so… who cares.
I think I’m going to extend my no-walking thing through tomorrow as my back still hasn’t quite bounced back yet.
See you tomorrow!
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Wednesday, December 26, 2012
Day Thirty-Three
Walk-Count: 3
Breakfast: 10am
1 Chocolate Visalus Shake
Mid-Morning: 12noon
16oz. V8 (Low Sodium, Spicy Hot)
Lunch: 2pm
1 Plain Visalus Shake
Mid-Afternoon: 5pm
1/4 lb. Turkey (mostly light-meat)
Evening: 8pm
16oz. Turkey Stock (rendered with butter, garlic-salt & black pepper)
1cup Steamed Brussels Sprouts (w/butter sauce)
State of Being:
I slept-in this morning.
Playing with Mason yesterday, really wiped me out. I’m usually sitting on the couch and wrestling around with him while bending way forward, picking him up, etc. So my lower back is tight as a drum and aching like it’s broken today.
Also, here in North-Eastern Ohio, it’s been the snowpocalypse all day, so that made walking a little more challenging than normal. Remember that, when I walk I’ve got lots and lots of mass and weight to control, most of which is swinging out and back and forth with every step. So, on slippery ground I have to go extra slow, meaning it takes longer to complete a lap and my back is put under a lot more strain from being upright for so much extra time.
True, I’ve lost over sixty pounds since I got started. But, *reality check*, I’m still in the high 500s total. So, this is no time to go crazy and do more than I can handle. That’s why I only did 3 trips today.
Honestly, I probably shouldn’t have even done those. Tomorrow I’m not going to walk at all, I’m just going to stay down.
Other than a lot of muscle soreness from working with my personal trainer Drill Sargent Mason “One-More Time” Loree, I feel pretty good. Got a lot of work in this afternoon, so I’m feeling pretty good about that too.
See you guys tomorrow!
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Breakfast: 10am
1 Chocolate Visalus Shake
Mid-Morning: 12noon
16oz. V8 (Low Sodium, Spicy Hot)
Lunch: 2pm
1 Plain Visalus Shake
Mid-Afternoon: 5pm
1/4 lb. Turkey (mostly light-meat)
Evening: 8pm
16oz. Turkey Stock (rendered with butter, garlic-salt & black pepper)
1cup Steamed Brussels Sprouts (w/butter sauce)
State of Being:
I slept-in this morning.
Playing with Mason yesterday, really wiped me out. I’m usually sitting on the couch and wrestling around with him while bending way forward, picking him up, etc. So my lower back is tight as a drum and aching like it’s broken today.
Also, here in North-Eastern Ohio, it’s been the snowpocalypse all day, so that made walking a little more challenging than normal. Remember that, when I walk I’ve got lots and lots of mass and weight to control, most of which is swinging out and back and forth with every step. So, on slippery ground I have to go extra slow, meaning it takes longer to complete a lap and my back is put under a lot more strain from being upright for so much extra time.
True, I’ve lost over sixty pounds since I got started. But, *reality check*, I’m still in the high 500s total. So, this is no time to go crazy and do more than I can handle. That’s why I only did 3 trips today.
Honestly, I probably shouldn’t have even done those. Tomorrow I’m not going to walk at all, I’m just going to stay down.
Other than a lot of muscle soreness from working with my personal trainer Drill Sargent Mason “One-More Time” Loree, I feel pretty good. Got a lot of work in this afternoon, so I’m feeling pretty good about that too.
See you guys tomorrow!
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Tuesday, December 25, 2012
Day Thirty-Two
Walk-Count: Well… I didn’t do any walks, as such, today. However, I played with a very energetic and rambunctious 3-year-old for about five hours and am quite exhausted as a result. We’ll just call today a P90Mason-Day!
(click image to enlarge)
Breakfast: 9am
1 Peanut Butter Cup Visalus Shake
Mid-Morning: 11am
1 bowl Broccoli & Cheese Soup
Lunch: 2pm
2 lbs. Turkey (Mostly Dark Meat)
Mid-Afternoon: Nothing.
Evening: 9pm
1 lb. Turkey (Mostly Light Meat)
State of Being:
Merry Christmas, Everybody!
Today was lots of fun! I got to hang out with family all day.
I did not cheat today! Even with all the Christmas-dinner food and post-feast candy and cookies laid out, I stayed true to my after-Thanksgiving resolution to stay clean!
Not much to say really. It was fun! I feel great, but I’m tired now. Gonna turn in.
I hope you had a great Christmas as well!
See everybody tomorrow!
Click HERE for My Story
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Breakfast: 9am
1 Peanut Butter Cup Visalus Shake
Mid-Morning: 11am
1 bowl Broccoli & Cheese Soup
Lunch: 2pm
2 lbs. Turkey (Mostly Dark Meat)
Mid-Afternoon: Nothing.
Evening: 9pm
1 lb. Turkey (Mostly Light Meat)
State of Being:
Merry Christmas, Everybody!
Today was lots of fun! I got to hang out with family all day.
I did not cheat today! Even with all the Christmas-dinner food and post-feast candy and cookies laid out, I stayed true to my after-Thanksgiving resolution to stay clean!
Not much to say really. It was fun! I feel great, but I’m tired now. Gonna turn in.
I hope you had a great Christmas as well!
See everybody tomorrow!
Click HERE for My Story
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Monday, December 24, 2012
Day Thirty-One
Walk-Count: 5
Breakfast: 1pm
1 Chocolate Visalus Shake
Mid-Morning: 3pm
16oz. V8 (Low Sodium, Spicy Hot)
32oz. Water
Lunch: 5pm
1 Butterfinger Visalus Shake
Mid-Afternoon: 7pm
4 Strips of Bacon
1 Orange
32oz. Water
Evening: 8pm
1/2lb. Chicken Breast (w/Frank’s Red Hot Wings Sauce & Blue Cheese Dressing)
16oz. V8 (Low Sodium, Spicy Hot)
32oz. Water
Late-Night: 10pm
2 cups Chicken Stock (rendered with Real Butter & Onion)
State of Being:
Yes! OK? I didn’t get up until noon!
Truthfully, I was so buzzed from my weigh-in yesterday morning that I just couldn’t get to sleep. So, I stayed up… played some Skyrim and then some League of Legends. Then I read for a while, wrote for a while, straightened-up my living room, read some more, Watched John Carpenter’s “The Thing,” (one of my favorite Christmas movies) and played with Noggin for a while.
Long story short (too late) I didn’t get to sleep until about 6 o’clock this morning.
When I did get up, I met with a friend of mine for a couple minutes. He’s going to be starting his own challenge here soon, so that’s pretty exciting!
I took my first walk of my new workout strategy/approach today at 2pm. Went pretty well. Honestly, I shouldn’t have any trouble getting to sleep tonight. That made for a very active day. I can tell already I’m going to be breaking through the 29 pound mark at my next weigh-in. These walks are a LOT of exercise for me.
I wanted also to address something about the times I list for things on this blog. It should be pretty obvious, but I wanted to just come out and state it, at least once here… (full disclosure and full transparency, right?) Those times are not exact. I rarely remember to actually look at the clock when I eat. I know, for example that my first meal of the day occurred during the 1 o’clock hour, so I just say “1pm.” So, it happened some time between 1 and 2, just in case you’ve been looking at this blog and thinking; “Man! He eats with robot-like precision!” Nah, it’s not like that. However, if my laziness does indeed seem to make me look more responsible,... somehow... then maybe I shouldn't have said anything. Nevermind! Disregard what I just said. All times listed are exact!
I guess that’s all for today.
I hope everybody has a Very Merry Christmas, a Happy Chanukah, a Very Scary Solstice and a Great New Year!
For those wanting a Merry Christmas,... Click HERE!
For those wanting a Scary Solstice,... Click HERE!
Click HERE for My Story
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Breakfast: 1pm
1 Chocolate Visalus Shake
Mid-Morning: 3pm
16oz. V8 (Low Sodium, Spicy Hot)
32oz. Water
Lunch: 5pm
1 Butterfinger Visalus Shake
Mid-Afternoon: 7pm
4 Strips of Bacon
1 Orange
32oz. Water
Evening: 8pm
1/2lb. Chicken Breast (w/Frank’s Red Hot Wings Sauce & Blue Cheese Dressing)
16oz. V8 (Low Sodium, Spicy Hot)
32oz. Water
Late-Night: 10pm
2 cups Chicken Stock (rendered with Real Butter & Onion)
State of Being:
Yes! OK? I didn’t get up until noon!
Truthfully, I was so buzzed from my weigh-in yesterday morning that I just couldn’t get to sleep. So, I stayed up… played some Skyrim and then some League of Legends. Then I read for a while, wrote for a while, straightened-up my living room, read some more, Watched John Carpenter’s “The Thing,” (one of my favorite Christmas movies) and played with Noggin for a while.
Long story short (too late) I didn’t get to sleep until about 6 o’clock this morning.
When I did get up, I met with a friend of mine for a couple minutes. He’s going to be starting his own challenge here soon, so that’s pretty exciting!
I took my first walk of my new workout strategy/approach today at 2pm. Went pretty well. Honestly, I shouldn’t have any trouble getting to sleep tonight. That made for a very active day. I can tell already I’m going to be breaking through the 29 pound mark at my next weigh-in. These walks are a LOT of exercise for me.
I wanted also to address something about the times I list for things on this blog. It should be pretty obvious, but I wanted to just come out and state it, at least once here… (full disclosure and full transparency, right?) Those times are not exact. I rarely remember to actually look at the clock when I eat. I know, for example that my first meal of the day occurred during the 1 o’clock hour, so I just say “1pm.” So, it happened some time between 1 and 2, just in case you’ve been looking at this blog and thinking; “Man! He eats with robot-like precision!” Nah, it’s not like that. However, if my laziness does indeed seem to make me look more responsible,... somehow... then maybe I shouldn't have said anything. Nevermind! Disregard what I just said. All times listed are exact!
I guess that’s all for today.
I hope everybody has a Very Merry Christmas, a Happy Chanukah, a Very Scary Solstice and a Great New Year!
For those wanting a Merry Christmas,... Click HERE!
For those wanting a Scary Solstice,... Click HERE!
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Sunday, December 23, 2012
Day Thirty
Workout: No Workout on Sunday
(Sweet, Blissful Rest...)
Breakfast: 8am
1 lb. Roast Chicken (Cold)
32oz. Water
Mid-Morning: Nothing.
Lunch: 3pm
1 Butterfinger Visalus Shake
Mid-Afternoon: 5pm
1/2 lb. Roast Chicken
16oz. V8 (Spicy Hot)
Evening: 6pm
1 Chocolate-Cardia-Care Visalus Shake
State of Being:
So, it’s Day 30. I’m one-third of the way through my challenge!
Today was awesome!
Weigh-In Video
So, I’ve lost 28.4 pounds so far on my 90 Day Challenge and 62.7 pounds in total since I’ve been using Visalus (started on October 29th of this year.)
I’m right on track to meet or even exceed my goal of getting down to 515 by February 22nd, 2013. That would mean 100 pounds lost on my challenge and 135 pounds lost overall.
It’s very weird for me to think that, less than two months ago, I weighed over 650 pounds and had less than a year left to live.
Things have definitely reversed course and I can see my future brightening. There’s more ahead for me than there was before, and for that, I am so grateful.
Here's, approximately what I've lost so far...
(click image to enlarge)
If you, or even someone you know needs to make some positive health changes, whether it’s weight-loss or whatever… please contact me. I have been given an incredible gift in this journey and I want to share it with whomever needs it.
Contact me anytime.
One of the main reasons that I am doing all of this so openly and publicly is so that I can find others who need change, and to help them get it.
See you tomorrow!
Click HERE for My Story
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Breakfast: 8am
1 lb. Roast Chicken (Cold)
32oz. Water
Mid-Morning: Nothing.
Lunch: 3pm
1 Butterfinger Visalus Shake
Mid-Afternoon: 5pm
1/2 lb. Roast Chicken
16oz. V8 (Spicy Hot)
Evening: 6pm
1 Chocolate-Cardia-Care Visalus Shake
State of Being:
So, it’s Day 30. I’m one-third of the way through my challenge!
Today was awesome!
Weigh-In Video
So, I’ve lost 28.4 pounds so far on my 90 Day Challenge and 62.7 pounds in total since I’ve been using Visalus (started on October 29th of this year.)
I’m right on track to meet or even exceed my goal of getting down to 515 by February 22nd, 2013. That would mean 100 pounds lost on my challenge and 135 pounds lost overall.
It’s very weird for me to think that, less than two months ago, I weighed over 650 pounds and had less than a year left to live.
Things have definitely reversed course and I can see my future brightening. There’s more ahead for me than there was before, and for that, I am so grateful.
Here's, approximately what I've lost so far...
If you, or even someone you know needs to make some positive health changes, whether it’s weight-loss or whatever… please contact me. I have been given an incredible gift in this journey and I want to share it with whomever needs it.
Contact me anytime.
One of the main reasons that I am doing all of this so openly and publicly is so that I can find others who need change, and to help them get it.
See you tomorrow!
Click HERE for My Story
Click HERE to Come With Me
Saturday, December 22, 2012
Day Twenty-Nine
Workout: 9am
—Today was a Lower Back Day—
~Dumbbell Deadlifts - (Erector Spinae) - 30lbs. Resistance - 2 Sets of 10 Repetitions
~Good-Mornings - (Erector Spinae) - Broomstick - 3 Sets of 15 Repetitions
Breakfast: 10am
2 Salmon Fillets (w/Cocktail Sauce)
32oz. Water
Mid-Morning: 12noon
16oz. V8 (Spicy Hot)
32oz. Water
Lunch: 3pm
1 lb. Roast Chicken (Roasted with Salt, Pepper & Frank’s Red Hot Wings Sauce)
16oz. V8 (Spicy Hot)
32oz. Water
Mid-Afternoon: 5pm
16oz. Chicken Stock (Stock Rendered with Real Butter & Onion)
Evening: 7pm
1 Chocolate-Covered-Strawberry-Phyto-Power Visalus Shake (w/Water)
State of Being:
Today was good.
I got a chance to get outside a little bit, first when I went out to get my mail and then a little later, I pulled on a jacket and sat out front, just to be in the fresh air for a while. It was cold and snowy but I Love that kind of weather, so it was nice.
So, anyway… I roasted a chicken in the oven today. It came out really good. I coated it with a mixture of Frank’s Red Hot Wings sauce, salt and black pepper, then put it in a large Ziploc bag and let it sit in the fridge overnight, then roasted it in the oven for two-and-a-half hours at 350 degrees. I wasn’t planning on having any of it until tomorrow, but it smelled so good coming out of the oven that I had some of it for lunch instead of my Vi shake. I’m not counting that as a “cheat” since it was just a pure protein.
Oh, and tomorrow is Day 30, and I’m going out for my 1/3-Mark weigh-in. So, make sure you check in tomorrow evening for the video!
See you then!
Click HERE for My Story
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—Today was a Lower Back Day—
~Dumbbell Deadlifts - (Erector Spinae) - 30lbs. Resistance - 2 Sets of 10 Repetitions
~Good-Mornings - (Erector Spinae) - Broomstick - 3 Sets of 15 Repetitions
Breakfast: 10am
2 Salmon Fillets (w/Cocktail Sauce)
32oz. Water
Mid-Morning: 12noon
16oz. V8 (Spicy Hot)
32oz. Water
Lunch: 3pm
1 lb. Roast Chicken (Roasted with Salt, Pepper & Frank’s Red Hot Wings Sauce)
16oz. V8 (Spicy Hot)
32oz. Water
Mid-Afternoon: 5pm
16oz. Chicken Stock (Stock Rendered with Real Butter & Onion)
Evening: 7pm
1 Chocolate-Covered-Strawberry-Phyto-Power Visalus Shake (w/Water)
State of Being:
Today was good.
I got a chance to get outside a little bit, first when I went out to get my mail and then a little later, I pulled on a jacket and sat out front, just to be in the fresh air for a while. It was cold and snowy but I Love that kind of weather, so it was nice.
So, anyway… I roasted a chicken in the oven today. It came out really good. I coated it with a mixture of Frank’s Red Hot Wings sauce, salt and black pepper, then put it in a large Ziploc bag and let it sit in the fridge overnight, then roasted it in the oven for two-and-a-half hours at 350 degrees. I wasn’t planning on having any of it until tomorrow, but it smelled so good coming out of the oven that I had some of it for lunch instead of my Vi shake. I’m not counting that as a “cheat” since it was just a pure protein.
Oh, and tomorrow is Day 30, and I’m going out for my 1/3-Mark weigh-in. So, make sure you check in tomorrow evening for the video!
See you then!
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Friday, December 21, 2012
Day Twenty-Eight
Workout: 9am
—Today was an Arms day—
~Shoulder Press (Palms-In) - (Deltoids) - 15lbs. Resistance - 3 Sets of 15 Repetitions
~Bench Dips - (Triceps) - Body-Weight as Resistance - 2 Sets of 15 Repetitions
~Concentration Curls - (Biceps) - 60lbs. Resistance - 3 Sets of 15 Repetitions
~Wrist Curls (Palms-Up) - (Extensors & Flexors) - 15lbs. Resistance - 3 Sets of 15 Repetitions
Breakfast: 10am
1 Chocolate Visalus Shake (w/Water)
Mid-Morning: Nothing.
Lunch: 1pm
2 Eggs Over-Hard (w/Black Pepper)
1 cup Steamed Brussels Sprouts (w/Butter Sauce)
32oz. Water
Mid-Afternoon: 5pm
4 strips Peppered Bacon
1 bowl Harvest Tomato & Basil Soup
32oz. Water
Evening: 9pm
1 Peanut Butter Cup Visalus Shake (w/Water)
State of Being:
Felt good but sleepy today. Took a nap after lunch. We got our first serious snow of the year here, (it’s snowed before, but without accumulation) and that always puts me in the mood for old movies and/or reading and naps. So, after working out and making calls all morning, I queued up Netflix and watched a little impromptu Twilight Zone marathon (original series,) took a nap, got up and started reading the next book in the Dresden Files series, (I’m up to “Turn Coat.”)
Noggin snuggled-up next to my head as I lay down for my afternoon nap. Having her purr right next to you is the last word in the war against insomnia. It always gets me right to sleep. Between her and the low, white-noise of my CPAP machine, I think I was out in less than thirty seconds. She even made sure to wake me up when it was time for dinner.
"You are feeling sleeeEEEeeepy... Your eyelids are getting heeaaAAAAvvvyyy..."
I noticed today that I am now, apparently capable of getting up out of a chair without using my arms. If you saw my Taking Out the Trash Video, watch how I get up out of my kitchen chair at about 2:31 into the video.
Or, you could also check out about 30 seconds into The Mechanics of a Heavy Walk, for another example. I have to grip the counter, sometimes posting the other hand on my cane or some other stable object and pull myself up to about halfway, then push myself the rest of the way up, so as to settle the weight smoothly and gently onto my knees and ankles. Otherwise it’s very sharp, very immediate agony in all four joints.
Today, after breakfast and doing the dishes, I stood up to put some plates away in the cupboard without even thinking about it. No hands. I even sat down and tried it again, just to make sure I hadn't hallucinated the whole thing. Compared to my usual experience, it felt like I had just floated up out of the chair.
Don't get me wrong, when I start walking around, it still starts hurting and wearing me out in a hurry. But, the initial getting-up onto my feet is vastly improved. I was very pleasantly surprised. Actually, I was beside myself.
Nothing like seeing a milestone to let you know that you're on the right track. There are still many miles to go, and I look forward to finding out what the next surprise is going to be!
Don’t forget to check in with me day after tomorrow for my next weigh-in!
See you later!
Click HERE for My Story
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—Today was an Arms day—
~Shoulder Press (Palms-In) - (Deltoids) - 15lbs. Resistance - 3 Sets of 15 Repetitions
~Bench Dips - (Triceps) - Body-Weight as Resistance - 2 Sets of 15 Repetitions
~Concentration Curls - (Biceps) - 60lbs. Resistance - 3 Sets of 15 Repetitions
~Wrist Curls (Palms-Up) - (Extensors & Flexors) - 15lbs. Resistance - 3 Sets of 15 Repetitions
Breakfast: 10am
1 Chocolate Visalus Shake (w/Water)
Mid-Morning: Nothing.
Lunch: 1pm
2 Eggs Over-Hard (w/Black Pepper)
1 cup Steamed Brussels Sprouts (w/Butter Sauce)
32oz. Water
Mid-Afternoon: 5pm
4 strips Peppered Bacon
1 bowl Harvest Tomato & Basil Soup
32oz. Water
Evening: 9pm
1 Peanut Butter Cup Visalus Shake (w/Water)
State of Being:
Felt good but sleepy today. Took a nap after lunch. We got our first serious snow of the year here, (it’s snowed before, but without accumulation) and that always puts me in the mood for old movies and/or reading and naps. So, after working out and making calls all morning, I queued up Netflix and watched a little impromptu Twilight Zone marathon (original series,) took a nap, got up and started reading the next book in the Dresden Files series, (I’m up to “Turn Coat.”)
Noggin snuggled-up next to my head as I lay down for my afternoon nap. Having her purr right next to you is the last word in the war against insomnia. It always gets me right to sleep. Between her and the low, white-noise of my CPAP machine, I think I was out in less than thirty seconds. She even made sure to wake me up when it was time for dinner.
I noticed today that I am now, apparently capable of getting up out of a chair without using my arms. If you saw my Taking Out the Trash Video, watch how I get up out of my kitchen chair at about 2:31 into the video.
Or, you could also check out about 30 seconds into The Mechanics of a Heavy Walk, for another example. I have to grip the counter, sometimes posting the other hand on my cane or some other stable object and pull myself up to about halfway, then push myself the rest of the way up, so as to settle the weight smoothly and gently onto my knees and ankles. Otherwise it’s very sharp, very immediate agony in all four joints.
Today, after breakfast and doing the dishes, I stood up to put some plates away in the cupboard without even thinking about it. No hands. I even sat down and tried it again, just to make sure I hadn't hallucinated the whole thing. Compared to my usual experience, it felt like I had just floated up out of the chair.
Don't get me wrong, when I start walking around, it still starts hurting and wearing me out in a hurry. But, the initial getting-up onto my feet is vastly improved. I was very pleasantly surprised. Actually, I was beside myself.
Nothing like seeing a milestone to let you know that you're on the right track. There are still many miles to go, and I look forward to finding out what the next surprise is going to be!
Don’t forget to check in with me day after tomorrow for my next weigh-in!
See you later!
Click HERE for My Story
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Thursday, December 20, 2012
Day Twenty-Seven
Workout: 9am
—Today was a Chest Day—
(today, I honestly just forgot to wear a shirt...)
~Push-Ups - (Pectoralis Major) - Body-Weight as Resistance - 1 Set of 20 Repetitions
~Inclined Dumbbell Flies - (Pectoralis Major - Upper) - 15lbs. Resistance (each arm) - 3 Sets of 15 Repetitions
~Declined Dumbbell Flies - (Pectoralis Major - Lower) - 15lbs. Resistance (each arm) - 3 Sets of 15 Repetitions
~Bent-Armed Pullovers - (Pectoralis Minor) - 15lbs. Resistance (each arm) - 3 Sets of 15 Repetitions
Breakfast: 8am
1 Baked Chicken Breast (cold)
1/2 a Baked Onion (also cold)
24oz. Water
Mid-Morning: 12noon
16oz. V8 (Low Sodium, Spicy Hot)
16oz. Water
Lunch: 2pm
1 Butterfinger Visalus Shake
Mid-Afternoon: 4pm
2 cups Chicken Stock
24oz. Water
Evening: 7pm
1 Holiday-Chocolate-Orange Visalus Shake
State of Being:
From this point on, all bets are off...
Had a major cramp attack a minute ago, which reminded me, about ten hours too late, to take my pills.
I think I’m going to dangle my day-to-day pill-case from my ceiling on a string, directly above the bed, so that I'll hit my head on it in the morning when I get up, because I really can’t take another one of these episodes. It’s like a huge, invisible python leaps out of the corner, coils itself around me and starts squeezing and pulling in all the wrong ways, while some cackling madman dances around us, swatting any areas of exposed flesh he finds with a baseball bat.
Note: From here on out my cramp-attacks shall be referred to as “Snake-and-the-Bat-Man.”
If you’ve ever wanted a first hand account of what it’s like trying to…
1 - climb/crawl/hop over to your nightstand,
2 - pull open the drawer,
3 - fish around in the dark,
4 - retrieve a pill case,
5 - open a given day’s little trap-door,
6 - toss the pills into your mouth,
7 - reach down to grab your bedside-water-bottle,
8 - unscrew it,
9 - take a big swig to wash the pills down and then
10 - grab your emergency Tupperware/Fruit-Bowl,
11 - remove the lid and
12 - eat a banana…
…all while the titular-star of Anaconda 6: The Crushening is trying to pull you apart like a life-sized Stretch Armstrong doll and some psychotic sadist is hammering away at your abdomen, hamstrings, thighs, arms, calves, chest and back with a Louisville Slugger, (and let’s not forget about those two refrigerators weighing you down!!!)…
…shoot me an email and I’ll walk you through it.
Lots of stuff going on this weekend. My next weigh-in, at the 30-Day mark of my 90-Day Challenge, is coming-up on Monday. For the last couple days, I've been getting really nervous about it. I think I know why.
For one, I still don’t know what effect all that diet pop has had on my weight-loss. I didn’t have any in the few weeks leading up to my 615 weigh-in and I’d only had it for about the last two days prior to my 605 weigh-in. After that, I had diet pop for about a week and a half, before I heard that theory on it slowing down or stopping weight-loss and decided to dump it all down the drain. But, it’s been about a week now and I haven’t had any since, so I’m hoping the train kept rolling and wasn’t delayed too long, so to speak.
The other reason, and it’s one I haven’t really talked about yet, is the fact that this is as far as I’ve ever gone, weight-loss wise. The most weight I’d ever successfully managed to lose prior to finding the Challenge was 42 pounds. As of my last weigh-in I’d lost 45 so far, and that was over two weeks ago.
I’m in uncharted territory now. Not really knowing what to expect. Everything I’ve encountered thus far has been stuff I’d encountered in previous attempts and hence, knew was coming. From here on, though… it’s all new to me. That’s good. I mean, that’s really really good. But, it’s also a little frightening. I was prepared for Snake-and-the-Bat-Man,… but they were just the boss at the end of level one. I haven’t read any walk-throughs to show me what’s at the end of levels two through ten.
From here, the Adversary will be hitting me with things I've never seen before.
From here, it' a leap of faith into the great unknown.
Yeah, that’s scary. But, for what it’s worth, I’m not shying away from it. I'm not stalling and I'm not looking for an out. I'm diving in.
The Adversary is a vicious, vindictive and determined creature. I'm deeper into his territory than I've ever dared to walk before,...and all the lights just went out.
I'm also stronger than him.
I’m taking that leap with both my mind and my heart open. Whatever comes, I will bring my best Self to it.
See you guys tomorrow.
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—Today was a Chest Day—
~Push-Ups - (Pectoralis Major) - Body-Weight as Resistance - 1 Set of 20 Repetitions
~Inclined Dumbbell Flies - (Pectoralis Major - Upper) - 15lbs. Resistance (each arm) - 3 Sets of 15 Repetitions
~Declined Dumbbell Flies - (Pectoralis Major - Lower) - 15lbs. Resistance (each arm) - 3 Sets of 15 Repetitions
~Bent-Armed Pullovers - (Pectoralis Minor) - 15lbs. Resistance (each arm) - 3 Sets of 15 Repetitions
Breakfast: 8am
1 Baked Chicken Breast (cold)
1/2 a Baked Onion (also cold)
24oz. Water
Mid-Morning: 12noon
16oz. V8 (Low Sodium, Spicy Hot)
16oz. Water
Lunch: 2pm
1 Butterfinger Visalus Shake
Mid-Afternoon: 4pm
2 cups Chicken Stock
24oz. Water
Evening: 7pm
1 Holiday-Chocolate-Orange Visalus Shake
State of Being:
From this point on, all bets are off...
Had a major cramp attack a minute ago, which reminded me, about ten hours too late, to take my pills.
I think I’m going to dangle my day-to-day pill-case from my ceiling on a string, directly above the bed, so that I'll hit my head on it in the morning when I get up, because I really can’t take another one of these episodes. It’s like a huge, invisible python leaps out of the corner, coils itself around me and starts squeezing and pulling in all the wrong ways, while some cackling madman dances around us, swatting any areas of exposed flesh he finds with a baseball bat.
Note: From here on out my cramp-attacks shall be referred to as “Snake-and-the-Bat-Man.”
If you’ve ever wanted a first hand account of what it’s like trying to…
1 - climb/crawl/hop over to your nightstand,
2 - pull open the drawer,
3 - fish around in the dark,
4 - retrieve a pill case,
5 - open a given day’s little trap-door,
6 - toss the pills into your mouth,
7 - reach down to grab your bedside-water-bottle,
8 - unscrew it,
9 - take a big swig to wash the pills down and then
10 - grab your emergency Tupperware/Fruit-Bowl,
11 - remove the lid and
12 - eat a banana…
…all while the titular-star of Anaconda 6: The Crushening is trying to pull you apart like a life-sized Stretch Armstrong doll and some psychotic sadist is hammering away at your abdomen, hamstrings, thighs, arms, calves, chest and back with a Louisville Slugger, (and let’s not forget about those two refrigerators weighing you down!!!)…
…shoot me an email and I’ll walk you through it.
Lots of stuff going on this weekend. My next weigh-in, at the 30-Day mark of my 90-Day Challenge, is coming-up on Monday. For the last couple days, I've been getting really nervous about it. I think I know why.
For one, I still don’t know what effect all that diet pop has had on my weight-loss. I didn’t have any in the few weeks leading up to my 615 weigh-in and I’d only had it for about the last two days prior to my 605 weigh-in. After that, I had diet pop for about a week and a half, before I heard that theory on it slowing down or stopping weight-loss and decided to dump it all down the drain. But, it’s been about a week now and I haven’t had any since, so I’m hoping the train kept rolling and wasn’t delayed too long, so to speak.
The other reason, and it’s one I haven’t really talked about yet, is the fact that this is as far as I’ve ever gone, weight-loss wise. The most weight I’d ever successfully managed to lose prior to finding the Challenge was 42 pounds. As of my last weigh-in I’d lost 45 so far, and that was over two weeks ago.
I’m in uncharted territory now. Not really knowing what to expect. Everything I’ve encountered thus far has been stuff I’d encountered in previous attempts and hence, knew was coming. From here on, though… it’s all new to me. That’s good. I mean, that’s really really good. But, it’s also a little frightening. I was prepared for Snake-and-the-Bat-Man,… but they were just the boss at the end of level one. I haven’t read any walk-throughs to show me what’s at the end of levels two through ten.
From here, the Adversary will be hitting me with things I've never seen before.
From here, it' a leap of faith into the great unknown.
Yeah, that’s scary. But, for what it’s worth, I’m not shying away from it. I'm not stalling and I'm not looking for an out. I'm diving in.
The Adversary is a vicious, vindictive and determined creature. I'm deeper into his territory than I've ever dared to walk before,...and all the lights just went out.
I'm also stronger than him.
I’m taking that leap with both my mind and my heart open. Whatever comes, I will bring my best Self to it.
See you guys tomorrow.
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Wednesday, December 19, 2012
Day Twenty-Six
Workout: 9am
—Today was an Abs day—
(I know I said I wasn't going to take my shirt off anymore. But, I felt that one pic wouldn't hurt.)
~Crunches - (Rectus Abdomini) - 2 Sets of 7 Repetitions
~Dumbbell Side-Bends - (Obliques) - 20lbs. Resistance (each side) - 3 Sets of 15 Repetitions
~Leg-Raises - (Lower Abdomini) - 2 Sets of 15 Repetitions
Breakfast: 8am
1 Chicken Drumstick
1 Chicken Thigh
24oz. Water
Mid-Morning: 10am
2 cups Chicken Stock
12oz. V8 (Low Sodium, Spicy Hot)
Lunch: 1pm
1 Butterfinger Visalus Shake
Mid-Afternoon: 3pm
1 Chicken Drumstick
24oz. Water
Evening: 6pm
1 Chocolate Visalus Shake
State of Being:
Today's going to be a video State-of-Being.
Click HERE for Video
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—Today was an Abs day—
~Crunches - (Rectus Abdomini) - 2 Sets of 7 Repetitions
~Dumbbell Side-Bends - (Obliques) - 20lbs. Resistance (each side) - 3 Sets of 15 Repetitions
~Leg-Raises - (Lower Abdomini) - 2 Sets of 15 Repetitions
Breakfast: 8am
1 Chicken Drumstick
1 Chicken Thigh
24oz. Water
Mid-Morning: 10am
2 cups Chicken Stock
12oz. V8 (Low Sodium, Spicy Hot)
Lunch: 1pm
1 Butterfinger Visalus Shake
Mid-Afternoon: 3pm
1 Chicken Drumstick
24oz. Water
Evening: 6pm
1 Chocolate Visalus Shake
State of Being:
Today's going to be a video State-of-Being.
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Tuesday, December 18, 2012
Day Twenty-Five
Workout: 9am
—Today was a Legs Day—
(click image to enlarge)
~Dumbbell Squats - (Quadriceps) - Body Weight as Resistance - 3 Sets of 15 Repetitions
~Stationary Lunges - (Hamstrings) - Body Weight as Resistance - 3 Sets of 15 Repetitions
~Toe Raises - (Calves) - Body Weight as Resistance - 3 Sets of 15 Repetitions
Breakfast: 10am
1 Strawberry-Phyto-Power Visalus Shake
Mid-Morning: 12noon
12oz. V8 (Low Sodium, Spicy Hot)
32ox. Water
Lunch: 2pm
1 Chicken Drumstick
1 Chicken Thigh
1/2 cup Bean Salad (Green & Kidney Beans)
Mid-Afternoon: Nothing.
Evening: 7pm
1/2 cup Pepperoni Slices
1 Slice American Cheese
1 cup Green Beans
1 cup Skim Milk
12oz. Water
State of Being:
Today was a very good day!
We had my nephew Mason’s birthday party, over at my Mom & Dad’s place…
(Uncle Christopher got him a Camaro)
I was a little depleted by the end of the day. I, again, forgot to take my vitamins and electrolytes before leaving the house, so I had some cramps here and there. Nothing too severe.
I’m pretty tired now, though. Gonna do my dishes and then turn in. See you tomorrow!
Click HERE for My Story
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—Today was a Legs Day—
~Dumbbell Squats - (Quadriceps) - Body Weight as Resistance - 3 Sets of 15 Repetitions
~Stationary Lunges - (Hamstrings) - Body Weight as Resistance - 3 Sets of 15 Repetitions
~Toe Raises - (Calves) - Body Weight as Resistance - 3 Sets of 15 Repetitions
Breakfast: 10am
1 Strawberry-Phyto-Power Visalus Shake
Mid-Morning: 12noon
12oz. V8 (Low Sodium, Spicy Hot)
32ox. Water
Lunch: 2pm
1 Chicken Drumstick
1 Chicken Thigh
1/2 cup Bean Salad (Green & Kidney Beans)
Mid-Afternoon: Nothing.
Evening: 7pm
1/2 cup Pepperoni Slices
1 Slice American Cheese
1 cup Green Beans
1 cup Skim Milk
12oz. Water
State of Being:
Today was a very good day!
We had my nephew Mason’s birthday party, over at my Mom & Dad’s place…
I was a little depleted by the end of the day. I, again, forgot to take my vitamins and electrolytes before leaving the house, so I had some cramps here and there. Nothing too severe.
I’m pretty tired now, though. Gonna do my dishes and then turn in. See you tomorrow!
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Monday, December 17, 2012
Day Twenty-Four
Workout: 7am
—Today was an Upper-Back Day—
(click image to enlarge)
~Upright Rows - (Trapezius) - 15lbs. Resistance (each arm) - 2 Sets of 15 Repetitions
~Kneeling One-Armed Rows - (Latissimus Dorsi) - 15lbs. Resistance - 2 Sets of 15 Repetitions
~Standing Wide-Rows - (Posterior Deltoid) - 15lbs. Resistance (each arm) - 2 Sets of 15 Repetitions
Breakfast: 9am
2 Eggs Over-Hard (w/American Cheese)
1 Round Steak 8oz. (Medium-Rare)
16oz. Skim Milk
16oz. Water
Mid-Morning: 11am
16oz. V8 (Low Sodium, Spicy Hot)
16oz. Water
Lunch: 2pm
1 Chocolate Visalus Shake
Mid-Afternoon: 5pm
1 Egg (Raw)
16oz. V8 (Low Sodium, Spicy Hot)
16oz. Water
Evening: 7pm
1 Orange-Everyday-Defense Visalus Shake
State of Being:
Felt pretty good today. Got lots of extra sleep yesterday and last night.
Back’s still a little stiff today, but the pain has diminished quite a bit.
I’ve noticed that my ankles are significantly less swollen since giving up my Diet Coke. So, it was definitely having an effect on my metabolism, as swollen ankles are one of the first indicators of higher insulin levels. I hope I didn’t slow my weight-loss down too much during those weeks. Either way, I’ll find out on Christmas Eve, at the 30-Day mark of my Challenge, which will see my next weigh-in.
Today, I decided to shake things up a little. I replaced lunch and dinner with my Visalus shakes rather than breakfast and lunch. For breakfast, I protein-loaded.
Was there a significant difference? No. Not that I could tell. Since the shakes are basically/mostly protein, I wasn’t expecting there to be much of a difference. But, I wanted to experiment with it just the same. Truthfully, I think that you can mix it up however you’d like, so long as, (if your Challenge is centered primarily upon weight-loss) you are doing the shakes for two of your three main meals (breakfast, lunch and/or dinner.)
By the way, here's a picture of my refrigerator, in case you ever wondered what a V8-Junkie's stash looked like...
(click image to enlarge)
I’ve been getting asked why I workout before I eat, in the morning.
Well first of all, I do and I don’t. To clarify, I’ve never done and I wouldn’t do anything aerobic, (walking, martial arts, etc.) before getting my body started metabolizing for the day. However, when it comes to strength/resistance training, my experience has been that it doesn’t matter when you do it in relation to your meals, as metabolism plays very little role in that type of training (if any), and, given that, I would rather do it when I am at my highest level of energy, which, for me is first thing in the morning. Also, because of the fact that, on my diet program, I’m eating five (and sometimes six) times per day, and I don’t like to lift-heavy while I’m still digesting, it limits my strength-training workouts to occurring either first thing in the morning, or well-into the evening and by late-evening, an active six-hundred pound man who’s been working all day is in no condition to be holding heavy pieces of molded iron above his head.
The overwhelming majority of your fat-burning happens while you sleep, a direct result of the work you’ve done that day. Secondary to that is the fat-burning that occurs during aerobic exercise. Muscle burns fat when working aerobically. Strength training isn't about that. It's about tearing muscle down so that, while at rest, it can be rebuilt bigger and stronger than it was before. I haven’t yet reached the point where I’m comfortable resuming either my martial arts training, or my regular walking which have always been my primary sources of aerobic exercise. My goal for my second 90 Day Challenge is to get myself to the point where I can regularly train again, but I’m not there yet.
Now, I may well be wrong about this stuff. If I am, please convince me of why. I only want to do the most effective thing I can at any given time. So, feedback is definitely appreciated. :)
Headed over to my Mom’s house for Mason’s birthday-party tomorrow. I’m pretty excited for that. I’ll try and get some video while I’m over there.
See you later!
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—Today was an Upper-Back Day—
~Upright Rows - (Trapezius) - 15lbs. Resistance (each arm) - 2 Sets of 15 Repetitions
~Kneeling One-Armed Rows - (Latissimus Dorsi) - 15lbs. Resistance - 2 Sets of 15 Repetitions
~Standing Wide-Rows - (Posterior Deltoid) - 15lbs. Resistance (each arm) - 2 Sets of 15 Repetitions
Breakfast: 9am
2 Eggs Over-Hard (w/American Cheese)
1 Round Steak 8oz. (Medium-Rare)
16oz. Skim Milk
16oz. Water
Mid-Morning: 11am
16oz. V8 (Low Sodium, Spicy Hot)
16oz. Water
Lunch: 2pm
1 Chocolate Visalus Shake
Mid-Afternoon: 5pm
1 Egg (Raw)
16oz. V8 (Low Sodium, Spicy Hot)
16oz. Water
Evening: 7pm
1 Orange-Everyday-Defense Visalus Shake
State of Being:
Felt pretty good today. Got lots of extra sleep yesterday and last night.
Back’s still a little stiff today, but the pain has diminished quite a bit.
I’ve noticed that my ankles are significantly less swollen since giving up my Diet Coke. So, it was definitely having an effect on my metabolism, as swollen ankles are one of the first indicators of higher insulin levels. I hope I didn’t slow my weight-loss down too much during those weeks. Either way, I’ll find out on Christmas Eve, at the 30-Day mark of my Challenge, which will see my next weigh-in.
Today, I decided to shake things up a little. I replaced lunch and dinner with my Visalus shakes rather than breakfast and lunch. For breakfast, I protein-loaded.
Was there a significant difference? No. Not that I could tell. Since the shakes are basically/mostly protein, I wasn’t expecting there to be much of a difference. But, I wanted to experiment with it just the same. Truthfully, I think that you can mix it up however you’d like, so long as, (if your Challenge is centered primarily upon weight-loss) you are doing the shakes for two of your three main meals (breakfast, lunch and/or dinner.)
By the way, here's a picture of my refrigerator, in case you ever wondered what a V8-Junkie's stash looked like...
I’ve been getting asked why I workout before I eat, in the morning.
Well first of all, I do and I don’t. To clarify, I’ve never done and I wouldn’t do anything aerobic, (walking, martial arts, etc.) before getting my body started metabolizing for the day. However, when it comes to strength/resistance training, my experience has been that it doesn’t matter when you do it in relation to your meals, as metabolism plays very little role in that type of training (if any), and, given that, I would rather do it when I am at my highest level of energy, which, for me is first thing in the morning. Also, because of the fact that, on my diet program, I’m eating five (and sometimes six) times per day, and I don’t like to lift-heavy while I’m still digesting, it limits my strength-training workouts to occurring either first thing in the morning, or well-into the evening and by late-evening, an active six-hundred pound man who’s been working all day is in no condition to be holding heavy pieces of molded iron above his head.
The overwhelming majority of your fat-burning happens while you sleep, a direct result of the work you’ve done that day. Secondary to that is the fat-burning that occurs during aerobic exercise. Muscle burns fat when working aerobically. Strength training isn't about that. It's about tearing muscle down so that, while at rest, it can be rebuilt bigger and stronger than it was before. I haven’t yet reached the point where I’m comfortable resuming either my martial arts training, or my regular walking which have always been my primary sources of aerobic exercise. My goal for my second 90 Day Challenge is to get myself to the point where I can regularly train again, but I’m not there yet.
Now, I may well be wrong about this stuff. If I am, please convince me of why. I only want to do the most effective thing I can at any given time. So, feedback is definitely appreciated. :)
Headed over to my Mom’s house for Mason’s birthday-party tomorrow. I’m pretty excited for that. I’ll try and get some video while I’m over there.
See you later!
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Sunday, December 16, 2012
Day Twenty-Three
—No workout on Sunday—
Breakfast: 10am
1 Butterfinger Visalus Shake
Mid-Morning: 1pm
12oz. V8 (Low Sodium, Spicy Hot)
24oz. Water
Lunch: 4pm
1 Plain Visalus Shake
Mid-Afternoon: 6pm
1 Eye of Round Steak (about 8oz.) (w/Salt)
1 Apple
24oz. Water
Evening: 8pm
2 Eye of Round Steaks (8oz. Each) (w/Garlic Salt & Black Pepper)
1 cup Cottage Cheese
1 cup Steamed Broccoli (w/Cheese)
36oz. Water
State of Being:
Reading, sleeping, eating… That was today.
My lower back started acting up again last night at gaming. I couldn’t seem to get comfortable, no matter how I sat. It’s frustrating, but I wanted to get plenty of extra sleep and protein today to help it heal, that’s why all the meat.
I’m going to be hitting the sack in a few minutes, again.
I feel good, otherwise. I’m not exhausted or anything. Just laying flat and sleeping as much as I can today to try to assist my back in repairing itself.
Lots in front of me this week. It’s going to be a very big and busy one. Wish me luck!
That’s all for now. See you tomorrow!
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—No workout on Sunday—
Breakfast: 10am
1 Butterfinger Visalus Shake
Mid-Morning: 1pm
12oz. V8 (Low Sodium, Spicy Hot)
24oz. Water
Lunch: 4pm
1 Plain Visalus Shake
Mid-Afternoon: 6pm
1 Eye of Round Steak (about 8oz.) (w/Salt)
1 Apple
24oz. Water
Evening: 8pm
2 Eye of Round Steaks (8oz. Each) (w/Garlic Salt & Black Pepper)
1 cup Cottage Cheese
1 cup Steamed Broccoli (w/Cheese)
36oz. Water
State of Being:
Reading, sleeping, eating… That was today.
My lower back started acting up again last night at gaming. I couldn’t seem to get comfortable, no matter how I sat. It’s frustrating, but I wanted to get plenty of extra sleep and protein today to help it heal, that’s why all the meat.
I’m going to be hitting the sack in a few minutes, again.
I feel good, otherwise. I’m not exhausted or anything. Just laying flat and sleeping as much as I can today to try to assist my back in repairing itself.
Lots in front of me this week. It’s going to be a very big and busy one. Wish me luck!
That’s all for now. See you tomorrow!
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Saturday, December 15, 2012
Day Twenty-Two
Workout: 9am
—Today was a Legs Day—
(click image to enlarge)
~Squats - (Quadriceps) - Body-Weight as Resistance - 3 Sets of 15 Repetitions
~Stationary Lunges - (Hamstrings) - Body-Weight as Resistance - 3 Sets of 15 Repetitions
~Toe Raises - (Calves) - Body-Weight as Resistance - 3 Sets of 15 Repetitions
Breakfast: 10am
1 Plain Visalus Shake
Mid-Morning: 12noon
12oz. V8 (Low Sodium, Spicy Hot)
24oz. Water
Lunch: 2pm
1 Butterfinger Visalus Shake
Mid-Afternoon: 3pm
1 Chicken Breast
1 Apple (Golden Delicious)
24oz. Water
Evening: 5pm
1 Peanut-Butter-Cup Visalus Shake
1 Apple (Golden Delicious)
State of Being:
I’ve been having a very strong craving for pears lately. It’s so weird. I haven’t had a pear in years, and even when I did,... I mean... I didn't dislike it, but I wasn't blown away by it either. Just odd.
Kind of a slow day.
After my workout this morning I went out and checked the mail. Should have filmed that, so you could have seen the shenanigans. These two gulls were chasing each other around the parking lot, over a scrap of some kind. I couldn’t tell what it was. But, it was a real nail-biter. They each successfully came away with it at various points, but wouldn’t ever fly quite far enough away to prevent the other from rushing them and stealing it back.
Having secured my mail, I brought my kitchen-chair outside to sit and watch them, but they’d flown off at that point. So, I’ll have to live the rest of my life never knowing who won. *sigh*
You may have noticed, (if you’ve been paying very close attention) that I am no longer using dumbbells in my leg exercises. So, explain to me why my legs are more sore now than they normally would be after the same exercises done with more weight last week or the week before. I don’t get it.
Anyway, it was a pretty good day. I’ve noticed already that, because I’m drinking water now instead of Diet Coke, I am also not thirsty as much, because water is a far better thirst-quencher than any other liquid available to man,… no matter what the Gatorade ads have to say about it.
Today has also served to remind me of how much I Love water as a drink. Chugging down lots of water after a workout always takes me back to training outside and stopping to drink from the garden hose. That was always like,… industrial strength thirst elimination. I wonder if the rental office would let me hook up a garden hose in my apartment… lol
Before I go, I just want to mention that my nephew Mason is Three Years Old today!
(Pictured: My Favorite Entity in All of Creation)
I’m off for a night of gaming. See you guys tomorrow!
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—Today was a Legs Day—
~Squats - (Quadriceps) - Body-Weight as Resistance - 3 Sets of 15 Repetitions
~Stationary Lunges - (Hamstrings) - Body-Weight as Resistance - 3 Sets of 15 Repetitions
~Toe Raises - (Calves) - Body-Weight as Resistance - 3 Sets of 15 Repetitions
Breakfast: 10am
1 Plain Visalus Shake
Mid-Morning: 12noon
12oz. V8 (Low Sodium, Spicy Hot)
24oz. Water
Lunch: 2pm
1 Butterfinger Visalus Shake
Mid-Afternoon: 3pm
1 Chicken Breast
1 Apple (Golden Delicious)
24oz. Water
Evening: 5pm
1 Peanut-Butter-Cup Visalus Shake
1 Apple (Golden Delicious)
State of Being:
I’ve been having a very strong craving for pears lately. It’s so weird. I haven’t had a pear in years, and even when I did,... I mean... I didn't dislike it, but I wasn't blown away by it either. Just odd.
Kind of a slow day.
After my workout this morning I went out and checked the mail. Should have filmed that, so you could have seen the shenanigans. These two gulls were chasing each other around the parking lot, over a scrap of some kind. I couldn’t tell what it was. But, it was a real nail-biter. They each successfully came away with it at various points, but wouldn’t ever fly quite far enough away to prevent the other from rushing them and stealing it back.
Having secured my mail, I brought my kitchen-chair outside to sit and watch them, but they’d flown off at that point. So, I’ll have to live the rest of my life never knowing who won. *sigh*
You may have noticed, (if you’ve been paying very close attention) that I am no longer using dumbbells in my leg exercises. So, explain to me why my legs are more sore now than they normally would be after the same exercises done with more weight last week or the week before. I don’t get it.
Anyway, it was a pretty good day. I’ve noticed already that, because I’m drinking water now instead of Diet Coke, I am also not thirsty as much, because water is a far better thirst-quencher than any other liquid available to man,… no matter what the Gatorade ads have to say about it.
Today has also served to remind me of how much I Love water as a drink. Chugging down lots of water after a workout always takes me back to training outside and stopping to drink from the garden hose. That was always like,… industrial strength thirst elimination. I wonder if the rental office would let me hook up a garden hose in my apartment… lol
Before I go, I just want to mention that my nephew Mason is Three Years Old today!
I’m off for a night of gaming. See you guys tomorrow!
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Friday, December 14, 2012
Day Twenty-One
Workout: 9am
—Today was an Arms Day—
(click image to enlarge)
~Side Lateral Dumbbell Raises - (Deltoids) - 20lbs. Resistance (each arm) - 3 Sets of 15 Repetitions
~Dumbbell Kickbacks - (Triceps) - 20lbs. Resistance (each arm) - 3 Sets of 15 Repetitions
~Preacher Curls - (Biceps) - 20lbs. Resistance (each arm) - 3 Sets of 15 Repetitions
~Wrist Curls - (Extensors and Flexors) - 20lbs. Resistance (each arm) - 3 Sets of 15 Repetitions
Breakfast: 8am
1 Orange-Everyday-Defense/Banana-Energy-Charge Visalus Shake
Mid-Morning: Nothing.
Lunch: 12noon
1 Chocolate-Covered-Cherry Visalus Shake
Mid-Afternoon: 3pm
1/2 lb. Turkey Breast (w/Frank’s Red Hot “Wings” Sauce & Blue Cheese Dressing)
12oz. Water
Evening: 6pm
3 Scrambled Eggs (w/Christopher’s Famous Hella-Salsa)
1 cup Steamed Asparagus Spears (w/Butter Sauce)
12oz. Water
State of Being:
Pretty good day.
Last night, I made a pretty big decision that I’d like to share. I’d been talking with a friend of mine about Diet Cola and it’s effects on you whence trying to lose weight. Now, for the record, I don’t know which way I am actually leaning on Diet Cola, nor on aspartame. Does diet pop cause synaptic degeneration in brain-cells? Will mixing Diet Coke and Diet Pepsi create a portable, liquid form of weapons-grade yellow-cake uranium? I have no idea. There is just so much information going both ways out there, that I don’t know.
I Love Diet Cola, Diet Mountain Dew and Diet Sunkist Orange. Love ‘em!
Now, I’ve had access to diet pop off and on for the last month or so, (in other words the time in which I’ve been losing weight.) I only get the chance to do any grocery shopping toward the beginning of a given month and I load up on everything during that one trip. So, for the first couple weeks of a month, I tend to burn through my store of Diet Coke. (I only drink Caffeine Free, because I’ve gotten kidney stones before, and my doctor told me that, not just caffeine, but specifically caffeine *from pop* is one of the main culprits in the formation of stones.) Anyway, at the store I usually buy like ten 2 ltr Bottles of Caffeine Free Diet Coke and I drink about 1 to 2 ltrs per day.
I realized earlier today that I hadn’t been logging in what I drink during any of my meals, so far. I honestly don’t know why. I just tend to focus more on the food, rather than the beverage, I guess. But, as you can see in today’s food-log, above, I have started keeping track of what I’m drinking with meals, as well. In spite of this weird unconscious lapse in my previous record-keeping habits, let me just say that today is the first day in a while that my beverage with dinner wasn’t 12 to 24 or even 36oz of Diet Coke.
My friend Karen was telling me that she’d read that the artificial sweeteners they use in Diet Pop can slow or even stop weight loss in people who are trying to lose weight. Now, she’s someone who knows a TON more about food and nutrition than I do. So, after that conversation, I hopped online (and by “hopped” I mean,… dragged my end-of-the-day tired-as-hell carcass in front of my computer while struggling to stay focused,) and looked into it. As per usual, after about ten rounds of going back and forth between people screaming to the pro and other people screaming to the con, each participant with a string of official-looking letters after their names, I once again threw-up my hands and found something far more productive to do with my time, like staging a battle/chase-scene between Noggin and the little red-dot produced by my laser-pointer.
But,… as I said before, I made a pretty big decision last night, after all of that. I went into my kitchen, opened my fridge, where I still had about five 2 ltr bottles of Diet Coke left for December, and proceeded to pour them out, one-by-one into the drain of the kitchen sink.
(If this results in my kitchen sink experiencing temporary difficulty shedding unwanted pounds, developing synaptic degeneration or causes it to be haunted by verbose spirits from the ninth-ring of hell, I do apologize.)
I’d rather err on the side of caution, even if it means giving up something that I enjoy. For all I know, my weight-loss in the last couple weeks may have been slowed since I’ve had diet pop again,… and believe me I’ve been drinking lots of it.
I usually run out of Diet Coke around the 20th or so, of a given month. So,… in the twelve days between my 615-pound weigh-in and my 605-pound weigh-in, I’d only had pop for about the last two days. So, I hope (if the theory is correct) that I haven’t had too much of a negative impact on my weight loss since then.
Ah well, two weeks until my next weigh-in and, as of last night I am pop-free for the next couple years, at least. So, if I did slow or stop my weight-loss over the last couple weeks, that will certainly disappoint me, but it’s not going to be the case from here on out, and I will be keeping track of and reporting every liquid I consume as well. I promise.
Also, I did THIS! Check it out!
See you tomorrow!
P.S.: If you get the chance at some point tonight, take a moment to reflect and direct your positive thoughts and your Love to the victims and families of the shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School, in Newtown, Connecticut.
I’ll be keeping them in my prayers.
—Today was an Arms Day—
~Side Lateral Dumbbell Raises - (Deltoids) - 20lbs. Resistance (each arm) - 3 Sets of 15 Repetitions
~Dumbbell Kickbacks - (Triceps) - 20lbs. Resistance (each arm) - 3 Sets of 15 Repetitions
~Preacher Curls - (Biceps) - 20lbs. Resistance (each arm) - 3 Sets of 15 Repetitions
~Wrist Curls - (Extensors and Flexors) - 20lbs. Resistance (each arm) - 3 Sets of 15 Repetitions
Breakfast: 8am
1 Orange-Everyday-Defense/Banana-Energy-Charge Visalus Shake
Mid-Morning: Nothing.
Lunch: 12noon
1 Chocolate-Covered-Cherry Visalus Shake
Mid-Afternoon: 3pm
1/2 lb. Turkey Breast (w/Frank’s Red Hot “Wings” Sauce & Blue Cheese Dressing)
12oz. Water
Evening: 6pm
3 Scrambled Eggs (w/Christopher’s Famous Hella-Salsa)
1 cup Steamed Asparagus Spears (w/Butter Sauce)
12oz. Water
State of Being:
Pretty good day.
Last night, I made a pretty big decision that I’d like to share. I’d been talking with a friend of mine about Diet Cola and it’s effects on you whence trying to lose weight. Now, for the record, I don’t know which way I am actually leaning on Diet Cola, nor on aspartame. Does diet pop cause synaptic degeneration in brain-cells? Will mixing Diet Coke and Diet Pepsi create a portable, liquid form of weapons-grade yellow-cake uranium? I have no idea. There is just so much information going both ways out there, that I don’t know.
I Love Diet Cola, Diet Mountain Dew and Diet Sunkist Orange. Love ‘em!
Now, I’ve had access to diet pop off and on for the last month or so, (in other words the time in which I’ve been losing weight.) I only get the chance to do any grocery shopping toward the beginning of a given month and I load up on everything during that one trip. So, for the first couple weeks of a month, I tend to burn through my store of Diet Coke. (I only drink Caffeine Free, because I’ve gotten kidney stones before, and my doctor told me that, not just caffeine, but specifically caffeine *from pop* is one of the main culprits in the formation of stones.) Anyway, at the store I usually buy like ten 2 ltr Bottles of Caffeine Free Diet Coke and I drink about 1 to 2 ltrs per day.
I realized earlier today that I hadn’t been logging in what I drink during any of my meals, so far. I honestly don’t know why. I just tend to focus more on the food, rather than the beverage, I guess. But, as you can see in today’s food-log, above, I have started keeping track of what I’m drinking with meals, as well. In spite of this weird unconscious lapse in my previous record-keeping habits, let me just say that today is the first day in a while that my beverage with dinner wasn’t 12 to 24 or even 36oz of Diet Coke.
My friend Karen was telling me that she’d read that the artificial sweeteners they use in Diet Pop can slow or even stop weight loss in people who are trying to lose weight. Now, she’s someone who knows a TON more about food and nutrition than I do. So, after that conversation, I hopped online (and by “hopped” I mean,… dragged my end-of-the-day tired-as-hell carcass in front of my computer while struggling to stay focused,) and looked into it. As per usual, after about ten rounds of going back and forth between people screaming to the pro and other people screaming to the con, each participant with a string of official-looking letters after their names, I once again threw-up my hands and found something far more productive to do with my time, like staging a battle/chase-scene between Noggin and the little red-dot produced by my laser-pointer.
But,… as I said before, I made a pretty big decision last night, after all of that. I went into my kitchen, opened my fridge, where I still had about five 2 ltr bottles of Diet Coke left for December, and proceeded to pour them out, one-by-one into the drain of the kitchen sink.
(If this results in my kitchen sink experiencing temporary difficulty shedding unwanted pounds, developing synaptic degeneration or causes it to be haunted by verbose spirits from the ninth-ring of hell, I do apologize.)
I’d rather err on the side of caution, even if it means giving up something that I enjoy. For all I know, my weight-loss in the last couple weeks may have been slowed since I’ve had diet pop again,… and believe me I’ve been drinking lots of it.
I usually run out of Diet Coke around the 20th or so, of a given month. So,… in the twelve days between my 615-pound weigh-in and my 605-pound weigh-in, I’d only had pop for about the last two days. So, I hope (if the theory is correct) that I haven’t had too much of a negative impact on my weight loss since then.
Ah well, two weeks until my next weigh-in and, as of last night I am pop-free for the next couple years, at least. So, if I did slow or stop my weight-loss over the last couple weeks, that will certainly disappoint me, but it’s not going to be the case from here on out, and I will be keeping track of and reporting every liquid I consume as well. I promise.
See you tomorrow!
P.S.: If you get the chance at some point tonight, take a moment to reflect and direct your positive thoughts and your Love to the victims and families of the shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School, in Newtown, Connecticut.
I’ll be keeping them in my prayers.
Thursday, December 13, 2012
Day Twenty
Workout: 9am
—Today was a Lower-Back Day—
(click image to enlarge)
~Stiff-Legged Dumbbell Deadlifts - (Erector Spinae) - 30lbs. Resistance - 1 Set of 10 Repetitions
~Dumbbell Deadlifts - (Erector Spinae) - 30lbs. Resistance - 2 Sets of 10 Repetitions
Breakfast: 10am
1 Holiday-Chocolate-Orange Visalus Shake
Mid-Morning: 11am
1/2 lb. Turkey Breast (w/Bullseye Original BBQ Sauce)
Lunch: 1pm
1 Plain Visalus Shake
Mid-Afternoon: 4pm
12oz. V8 (Spicy Hot)
Evening: 6pm
1 lb. Turkey Breast
1 cup Steamed Broccoli (w/Cheese Sauce)
State of Being:
Twenty days down!!!
Feeling a little better today. Still kind of a rough day, but I think I’m coming finally to the other side of this rocky-patch.
I got up, did the third of my 12 Lower-Back workouts and had breakfast. The Chocolate-Orange thing, by the way, ended up being a very good idea!
I took a nap around midday, which was also a good idea. I woke up feeling very fresh and ready to get in some work-time.
Working on getting a Mansions of Madness (and possibly Elder Sign) evening planned some time, the weekend after Christmas. Hopefully that’ll work out.
Tomorrow, I’ve got something special planned, so make sure you stop by to check that out.
Going to bed now. See you tomorrow!
Click HERE for My Story
Click HERE to Come With Me
—Today was a Lower-Back Day—
~Stiff-Legged Dumbbell Deadlifts - (Erector Spinae) - 30lbs. Resistance - 1 Set of 10 Repetitions
~Dumbbell Deadlifts - (Erector Spinae) - 30lbs. Resistance - 2 Sets of 10 Repetitions
Breakfast: 10am
1 Holiday-Chocolate-Orange Visalus Shake
Mid-Morning: 11am
1/2 lb. Turkey Breast (w/Bullseye Original BBQ Sauce)
Lunch: 1pm
1 Plain Visalus Shake
Mid-Afternoon: 4pm
12oz. V8 (Spicy Hot)
Evening: 6pm
1 lb. Turkey Breast
1 cup Steamed Broccoli (w/Cheese Sauce)
State of Being:
Twenty days down!!!
Feeling a little better today. Still kind of a rough day, but I think I’m coming finally to the other side of this rocky-patch.
I got up, did the third of my 12 Lower-Back workouts and had breakfast. The Chocolate-Orange thing, by the way, ended up being a very good idea!
I took a nap around midday, which was also a good idea. I woke up feeling very fresh and ready to get in some work-time.
Working on getting a Mansions of Madness (and possibly Elder Sign) evening planned some time, the weekend after Christmas. Hopefully that’ll work out.
Tomorrow, I’ve got something special planned, so make sure you stop by to check that out.
Going to bed now. See you tomorrow!
Click HERE for My Story
Click HERE to Come With Me
Wednesday, December 12, 2012
Day Nineteen
Workout: 2pm
—Today was an Upper-Back Day—
(click image to enlarge)
~Upright Rows - (Trapezius) - 25lbs. Resistance - 3 Sets of 15 Repetitions
~Kneeling One-Armed Rows - (Latissimus Dorsi) - 20lbs. Resistance - 3 Sets of 15 Repetitions
~Standing Wide-Rows - (Posterior Deltoid) - 15lbs. Resistance - 3 Sets of 15 Repetitions
Breakfast: 11am
1 Peanut-Butter-Banana Visalus Shake
Mid-Morning: 2pm
12oz. V8 (Spicy Hot)
Lunch: 4pm
1 Plain Visalus Shake
Mid-Afternoon: Nothing.
Evening: 6pm
1 Can of Skyline Chili (w/ 1/2cup Shredded Cheddar & 5 Croutons)
1 Grilled Cheese Sandwich (Cheddar & American Cheese on Rye Bread)
State of Being:
Print's not good enough right now. I've got a lot weighing on my heart tonight and I wanted this one to be face-to-face. I owe you that.
Click HERE for Video
(It's a little choppy, here and there, because I had to cut it down a little to avoid going over the YouTube time-limit. All that's actually "missing," though are pauses and breaths.)
Click HERE for My Story
Click HERE to Come With Me
—Today was an Upper-Back Day—
~Upright Rows - (Trapezius) - 25lbs. Resistance - 3 Sets of 15 Repetitions
~Kneeling One-Armed Rows - (Latissimus Dorsi) - 20lbs. Resistance - 3 Sets of 15 Repetitions
~Standing Wide-Rows - (Posterior Deltoid) - 15lbs. Resistance - 3 Sets of 15 Repetitions
Breakfast: 11am
1 Peanut-Butter-Banana Visalus Shake
Mid-Morning: 2pm
12oz. V8 (Spicy Hot)
Lunch: 4pm
1 Plain Visalus Shake
Mid-Afternoon: Nothing.
Evening: 6pm
1 Can of Skyline Chili (w/ 1/2cup Shredded Cheddar & 5 Croutons)
1 Grilled Cheese Sandwich (Cheddar & American Cheese on Rye Bread)
State of Being:
Print's not good enough right now. I've got a lot weighing on my heart tonight and I wanted this one to be face-to-face. I owe you that.
(It's a little choppy, here and there, because I had to cut it down a little to avoid going over the YouTube time-limit. All that's actually "missing," though are pauses and breaths.)
Click HERE for My Story
Click HERE to Come With Me
Tuesday, December 11, 2012
Day Eighteen
Workout: 10am
—Today was a Chest Day—
(click image to enlarge)
~Flat Dumbbell Flies - (Pectoralis Major) - 30lbs. Resistance (each arm) - 3 Sets of 15 Repetitions
~Inclined Dumbbell Flies - (Pectoralis Major) - 30lbs. Resistance (each arm) - 3 Sets of 15 Repetitions
~Declined Dumbbell Flies - (Pectoralis Major) - 30lbs. Resistance (each arm) - 3 Sets of 15 Repetitions
~Straight-Armed Pull-Overs - (Pectoralis Minor) - 30lbs. Resistance - 3 Sets of 15 Repetitions
Breakfast: 11am
1 Orange-Everyday-Defense Visalus Shake (w/blood orange yogurt)
Mid-Morning: Nothing.
Lunch: 3pm
1 Green-Tea Visalus Shake
Mid-Afternoon: 5pm
1 bowl Campbell’s Harvest Tomato & Basil Soup (w/Chive & Onion Cream Cheese and 5 Croutons)
Evening: 7pm
1/2 lb. Turkey (light & dark meat)
1 cup steamed broccoli (w/cheese sauce)
State of Being:
Today was a little rough. I was feeling kind of low-energy early-on. Had a hard time getting out of bed. Just a real sleepy morning. Might be the weather. My system’s always been very sensitive to weather changes and this morning it was snowing fairly heavily. Might also just be round-two of this cold and I need to get some more sleep.
I am looking at some different health clubs. I think it would be a good idea for me to find a way to not be alone while I work out, since I’m working primarily with free weights, which isn’t very safe to do on your own. Planet Fitness looks pretty good. My only issue with that one, (and pretty much any of them, right now) is that I have no car, so it’s hard for me to get around.
The *closest* health club that I can think of is Snap Fitness which is about three or four miles down the road, near Ravenna. Hmm. If anybody has any suggestions on this one, send em my way.
That's enough for now. I'm going to conk out for the night. See you tomorrow!
Click HERE for My Story
Click HERE to Come With Me
—Today was a Chest Day—
~Flat Dumbbell Flies - (Pectoralis Major) - 30lbs. Resistance (each arm) - 3 Sets of 15 Repetitions
~Inclined Dumbbell Flies - (Pectoralis Major) - 30lbs. Resistance (each arm) - 3 Sets of 15 Repetitions
~Declined Dumbbell Flies - (Pectoralis Major) - 30lbs. Resistance (each arm) - 3 Sets of 15 Repetitions
~Straight-Armed Pull-Overs - (Pectoralis Minor) - 30lbs. Resistance - 3 Sets of 15 Repetitions
Breakfast: 11am
1 Orange-Everyday-Defense Visalus Shake (w/blood orange yogurt)
Mid-Morning: Nothing.
Lunch: 3pm
1 Green-Tea Visalus Shake
Mid-Afternoon: 5pm
1 bowl Campbell’s Harvest Tomato & Basil Soup (w/Chive & Onion Cream Cheese and 5 Croutons)
Evening: 7pm
1/2 lb. Turkey (light & dark meat)
1 cup steamed broccoli (w/cheese sauce)
State of Being:
Today was a little rough. I was feeling kind of low-energy early-on. Had a hard time getting out of bed. Just a real sleepy morning. Might be the weather. My system’s always been very sensitive to weather changes and this morning it was snowing fairly heavily. Might also just be round-two of this cold and I need to get some more sleep.
I am looking at some different health clubs. I think it would be a good idea for me to find a way to not be alone while I work out, since I’m working primarily with free weights, which isn’t very safe to do on your own. Planet Fitness looks pretty good. My only issue with that one, (and pretty much any of them, right now) is that I have no car, so it’s hard for me to get around.
The *closest* health club that I can think of is Snap Fitness which is about three or four miles down the road, near Ravenna. Hmm. If anybody has any suggestions on this one, send em my way.
That's enough for now. I'm going to conk out for the night. See you tomorrow!
Click HERE for My Story
Click HERE to Come With Me
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