Sunday, June 30, 2013

Challenge Three: Day Thirty-Nine

Breakfast: Nothing.

Mid-Morning: Nothing.

Lunch: Nothing.

Mid-Afternoon: 6pm
3 Hot Dogs (w/Ketchup & Mustard)
17oz. Kiwi-Strawberry ICE Sparkling Flavored Mountain Water

Evening: 10pm
1 Apple (Golden Delicious)
17oz. Lemonade ICE Sparkling Flavored Mountain Water

State of Being:
I Love you, Dad.

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Saturday, June 29, 2013

Challenge Three: Day Thirty-Eight

Breakfast: 9am
1 Strawberry-Banana Visalus Shake

Mid-Morning: Nothing.

Lunch: 2pm
1 Strawberry Visalus Shake

Mid-Afternoon: 5pm
2 Pretzels
12oz. Diet Coke

Evening: 9pm
4pc. Grilled Chicken Dinner
Sm. Side of Green Beans
17oz. Peach Nectarine Sparkling ICE Naturally Flavored Mountain Water

State of Being:
17oz. is such a weird size for a bottled product.

My sister turned me onto those ICE sparkling flavored-waters. They’re awesome. They’re carbonated, so they give you that burn that you’re looking for, but there’s nothing in them other than natural flavors and a tiny amount of sucralose (the same sweetener that Vi-Shape uses.)

10 for $10 at Giant Eagle.

See you tomorrow!

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Friday, June 28, 2013

Challenge Three: Day Thirty-Seven

This will possibly be the most important entry I ever post to this blog.

Breakfast: Nothing.

Mid-Morning: Nothing.

Lunch: 2pm
1 Double Butterfinger Visalus Shake
17oz. Kiwi-Strawberry Sparkling ICE Flavored Mountain-Water

Mid-Afternoon: 6pm
1 Golden Delicious Apple
46oz. Water

Evening: 9pm
1 Chocolate & Peanut Butter Banana Visalus Shake
17oz. Kiwi-Strawberry Sparkling ICE Flavored Mountain-Water

State of Being:

I want to show you something. I think you'll find it very useful. It may even make the difference between you failing in your transformation efforts, or succeeding. Stay with me for the duration of this post and pay close attention.

So, in yesterday’s post I talked a lot about withdrawal, and how it surges back to life periodically over the course of a transformation journey.

It’s 9:41pm, Friday the 28th, and I can tell you that I’m suffering through those withdrawal symptoms, even as I type this.

I really want something I shouldn’t have, and it’s more than just force of habit. My body is crying and moaning to my mind and my mind is translating it into logical motivations.

I feel clear. I feel focused. I feel strong and even though today’s been a long and active day, I still feel fairly energetic. Aside from needing a shower, I feel great.

So, what am I talking about? What’s the problem?

A roller coaster is a lot of fun. It’s thrilling and fast and thunderous and it’s certainly out of the ordinary. Lots of fun. You probably enjoy them. (If not, just picture something that you do enjoy that’s a step out of your ordinary day.) Ok?

How would you feel if you’d been on that roller coaster for six months?

The analogy starts to break down there, but I think you probably get what I’m saying. The way I feel right now, is awesome! It’s normal. It’s healthy. But, I’m not used to awesome, normal OR healthy. I mean, I’ve had those feelings before, but they always get truncated by a return to sluggish, unfocused and constantly-tired. So now, several months in, my subconscious is saying… “Ok,… where’s the return to unhealthy? This isn’t right. We should be feeling like crap again, by now.”

I know that seems weird and I’m being very careful here, because it could be very easy for me to sound like I’m complaining about being healthier. I’m not. This is a warning.

When I first got started on this journey, I remember wondering about what might be laying in wait for me over the horizon of “how far I’d ever gotten before,” (which wasn’t very far.) Well, now I’m learning some of those things and I’m doing my best to map and catalog what I find in these new, and (for me, at least) uncharted waters.

I’m winning. I’m beating it. But, it’s anything but easy.

The human being is a unique creature. We are, without doubt the weakest, least survivable creature on the planet. From the moment we are born, we need constant care or we’ll die. We have no natural protection from the elements. We have to learn, over a period of months, how to even stay on our feet, given how poorly our bodies are designed for ambulation and balance. Archimedes called the human walk “a series of controlled falls,” and this is an accurate appraisal.

Most creatures on earth survive by changing or adapting to fit their environment. Humans survive by changing our environment to suit us. Humans can only survive by a process of reasoning, a process of observing and thinking. Through this process, we turn our meager physical means to the task of shaping matter to suit our needs.

Confronted with a river, we build boats, or bridges, or learn to swim as a water-born creature would. Confronted with the cold, we make clothing, we build housing, we harness and command fire. Hound us with massive creatures armed with fangs and claws, and we build spears, then bows and arrows, then firearms.

You have to appreciate how our one-and-only unique ability; to observe and think through a process of reasoning, has taken the weakest, arguably most physically unimpressive species on Earth all the way up the ladder to become the unquestioned dominant lifeform,… out of a pool of billions of others.

My point is that these new, resurgent withdrawal symptoms are just another obstacle. They are one more stone that I must find a way to either surpass or supplant. This, like everything else worth accomplishing, should be done with reasoning. The obstacle here, is really just chemical urges. The thoughts they inspire aren’t accurate, nor are they useful.

Before I was diagnosed with Panic Disorder, whenever I would experience a panic attack, my honest feeling was that I was having a heart attack. I felt a numbness in my jaw, shooting pains in my left arm, shortness of breath and a cold, jabbing pain in my chest. These sensations would come out of nowhere. They would happen while I was just sitting at the computer or laying in bed.

What was actually happening was that my serotonin levels were dropping, due to the glands’ propensity to re-uptake their secretions too often. In other words, my serotonin-producing glands were sucking the serotonin back up into themselves and away from the receptor sites too frequently and too quickly. Serotonin produces a calmness, a happiness. It makes you feel at peace. Normal. When it is suddenly taken away, you feel ill-at-ease and abnormal. You simply feel as if something’s wrong.

So, all of those very specific feelings, I listed above; the shortness of breath, the pains in my chest, the shooting pains in my arm, the numbness in my jaw,… were not real. They were inventions of my mind as it failed to find reasons for the ill-at-ease feelings and so, in the absence of real causes, it created a host of imaginary scapegoats.

You see, the human mind,… that tool that gives such a weak and fragile species the ability to rule a planet of billions of species, most of which are more physically impressive than itself… is also capable of some pretty scary stuff when it applies itself in error.

So, these withdrawal symptoms… I honestly see them as being fundamentally no different than the physical symptoms I would experience during a panic attack. No matter how real the monster on the movie screen looks,… he can’t actually hurt you, kids.

Remember that it’s your MIND that’s doing this and it’s not doing it to hurt you. Crazy as it sounds, it’s actually trying to help. It’s processing something completely unfamiliar and it’s trying to goad you back toward the familiar. Just like, if you suddenly found yourself in a part of the forest you’d never seen before, every strange little noise you heard would become an inspiration for going back the way you’d come, as fast as possible.

Even though the *unfamiliar* in this case is something GOOD, the natural instinct is to run back the way I’ve come… simply because it’s *unfamiliar.*

My method for dealing with this is to occupy my mind with something else. Give your mind something to do, OTHER than interpret your new, unfamiliar, good feelings as something inherently bad. Watch a movie, clean your living room, go for a walk… and before you do, put something healthy in your stomach, so that your brain can’t use an empty stomach as more evidence for it’s paranoid desire to eat something bad.

It’s what I’ve been doing, and (a few faltering failures aside) it’s still working.

Ok, remember how I said at the beginning of this entry, that I wanted to show you something?

Here it is.

It's now 10:10pm. I've been sitting here and writing for 36 minutes. Writing. I've been employing my reasoning toward writing, not toward my withdrawal symptoms.

And they're gone. Being unreal, imaginary things, they faded away once I'd managed to hold my attention away from them long enough to give my mind something else to chew on.

It works. Try it.

See you tomorrow.

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Thursday, June 27, 2013

Challenge Three: Day Thirty-Six

Breakfast: 9am
1 Chocolate-Covered Strawberry-Phyto-Power Visalus Shake

Mid-Morning: Nothing.

Lunch: 12noon
1 Triple (w/Cheese, No Bun, from Wendy’s)
2 Caesar Side Salads (Wendy’s)
Lg. Diet Coke

Mid-Afternoon: Nothing.

Evening: 9pm
Taco Salad Leftovers
24oz. Diet Rite

State of Being:
Imagine a person who’s had something stuck on them, all their life. They’ve learned to accommodate the thing. The way they step through a doorway is coordinated to account for the bulk and heft of the thing. When they sit down, they make sure that they sit just right, to make room for the thing, etc.

Getting that thing taken off, even if it were slowly whittled away over time, would likely grant this person tremendous relief, right?

Of course it would.

This analogy is obviously about weight-loss. It’s a very heavy-handed, curt and clumsy analogy. Subtle as a chainsaw.

So, why am I bothering to make it, since it’s so damned obvious?

There is something else,… in fact there are *several* something elses that go along with that situation, and they’re not so easy to notice. In fact, I think they’re really only noticeable to the person going through the relief and change that we typically associate with weight-loss. To those looking in from outside, (seeing Before & After pics, for example,) these other factors are all but invisible and may as well not exist, but they are the very reason that so many people fail in this endeavor. The fact that they don't see it coming, since... until you've started, all you know is the obvious, unsubtle stuff like in the above analogy,... only makes it more likely to bring about your failure.

As I get lighter, I notice a great many things changing. It’s generally easier for me to get around, but I’m also noticing new types of pain. As my body changes its shape and dimensions, there are muscles and sinews that are suddenly doing work in whole new ways, since the weight rides on my frame so differently. Joints are receiving pressure from all new angles, etc. For the most part, these new pains and strains are mild and I know that they will pass as I continue to make progress and my body adapts.

But, there’s something else. Something you really can’t see from outside and I have found that it’s a very dangerous and insidious threat to your progress. So, I'm sharing it with you now, in order to prepare those who've yet to embark on their own transformation journeys, and to offer the comfort of knowing you're not alone, to those who have.

There’s something, definitely and without-doubt missing,… and I’m not talking about the burned-off fat, here.

The feeling of having starch, sugar, etc., in your bloodstream, in your muscles, in your brain… it’s gone, and everything in your unconscious mind will SCREAM at you that this is BAD.

To share my own experience;... at times my teeth grind, my vision blurs, my thinking fogs up, ...a whole slew of symptoms.

It’s withdrawal. It’s withdrawal and it’s still happening, more than SEVEN MONTHS into my journey.

For the time being, all those wonderful feelings of being more mobile and having more energy come with additional price-tags stapled onto the bottom of the one that says “Stay faithful to your diet.”

Imagine you’d worn leather pants and shirts all your life. Never anything else. Then one day, the leather was taken away and you wore nothing but lightweight cotton. Yes, you would feel a lot more mobile. You’d feel light and flexible and free. But, at the same time… there would be an aspect to it that would feel, kind of… alien,… don’t you think?

Fat, sluggish and carbo-loaded is all I’ve known since before I’d even entered puberty. Now that I’ve reached a point where that’s really, significantly melted away… the lighter, more mobile feeling is accompanied by this kind of sensory-overload. The internal, cushiony carb-blooded fuzziness-of-mind-and-body is missing and sometimes the absence of it feels very stark and uncomfortable.

I know what you might be thinking; "But, that 'carbed-up' feeling isn't natural. You've rid yourself of an unnatural and unhealthy feeling and exposed yourself to the way it's supposed to be."

Try telling that to a feral child who's going through the process of learning to walk upright, instead of on all-fours like the canines that raised him. See if that bit of knowledge will stop his back from cramping, his discs from slipping and his balance from waivering and throwing him onto his back over and over again. See if it alleviates the concussions and the displaced muscles.

Just because you're right, doesn't mean it's any help. It's only that simple on paper. Living it is different and if you're planning on transforming yourself, you need to know this, going in, lest you try to pull your new crown snugly onto your brow and command the tide not to come in.

I'm not defending something unhealthy, nor am I attacking the idea of a healthy lifestyle change. I'm attacking the idea that the intellectual knowledge of what's healthy and what's not will help you confront the reality of the feeling about as well as a knife will serve you in a gunfight. Forewarned is forearmed.

I remember reading Stephen King’s “On Writing.” In it, he talks about his problems with alcoholism over the years. He says that, even to this day, when he’s in a restaurant or a bar or even at a party or social gathering, when he sees someone with an unfinished drink, there’s a massive urge in him to get up, stomp over to the person, jab a finger in their face and say; “What the hell do you think you’re doing? Finish that drink! Right now! Finish it!”

It’s not as if he feels teased by people drinking around him. Not at all. It’s just that there’s something in his mind that cannot accept the idea of someone having immediate access to alcohol and NOT drinking it all down as fast as they can. He knows that it’s wrongheaded.

It’s an impulse that he controls, but that he’s never been able to fully rid himself of.

I can relate to this.

There’s a very burning and pressing need in me to consume vast quantities of salt, starch and sugar. Knowing that it’s out there, that I can get to it, and that I can acquire it easily creates this weird, unreal feeling. The fact that it’s there and I can get it,… but, I’m not doing so, feels utterly and completely wrong. It’s totally at odds with what my brain expects from reality.

What if you stepped out of bed in the morning and, instead of feeling your carpet, or pergo, or whatever the floor is like next to your bed,… your foot came down onto a bed of writhing snakes? What would your mind feel? Confusion? Revulsion? Shock?

What if everyone around you were cheering you on, saying; "Yeah, Christopher! Way to go, man! Walk on those snakes just like a normal, healthy person! You're doing it, bro! You're totally doing it!"

Yeah. Every time I cruise past a McDonald’s without pulling in,... snakes all over the floor, and I force a smile while putting one foot in front of the other.

I hope that one day, this blood-chemistry static will fade and all that will be left is the awesome stuff I feel both physically and mentally. I more than hope,... I have faith that it will happen.

But, for now all of this, every day… has a very alien aspect in addition to all the good stuff, (which is also considerable, and is, in the final analysis, the lion’s share of my experience, don’t get me wrong.)

I wanted to share this with you guys, and I'll have a lot more to say about it in my next entry.

See you tomorrow.

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Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Challenge Three: Day Thirty-Five

Breakfast: Nothing.

Mid-Morning: Nothing.

Lunch: Nothing.

Mid-Afternoon: 7pm
1 Bowl of Hella-Chili
12oz. Diet Rite
46oz. Water

Evening: 10pm
1 Lg. Taco Salad (w/Whole Grain Tortilla)
24oz. Diet Rite

State of Being:
More to say in my next entry. Today was another day of running the gauntlet. Exhausted. Can’t think. Can’t sit-up straight.

Must sleep.

See you tomorrow!

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Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Challenge Three: Day Thirty-Four

Breakfast: 10am
3 Eggs, Over-Hard (w/Cheese & Salsa Verde)
46oz. Water

Mid-Morning: Nothing.

Lunch: 12noon
1 Butterfinger Visalus Shake

Mid-Afternoon: Nothing.

Evening: 10pm
1 Large Bowl of Skyline Chili
1 Chili Cheese Coney
24oz. Diet Rite Cherry Cola

State of Being:
Working on getting my thoughts organized. I had a lot to say today, but right now, after running around most of the day and dealing with a lot of stressers, I’m way too tired to do it justice in prose.

I’ll have it up in my next post.

See you tomorrow.

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Monday, June 24, 2013

Challenge Three: Day Thirty-Three

Mid-Afternoon: 4pm
1 Butterfinger Visalus Shake

Evening: 9pm
1 Butterfinger Visalus Shake

State of Being:
Today was very busy and while I did get a lot done, it didn’t feel like it.

I’ve got an enormous pile of stuff in front of me this week. I’m going to take it one thing at a time and rest when I can. Not much to say today, as I’m exhausted, but I will keep you updated on how everything’s going. This week is going to be something of a gauntlet to run.

See you tomorrow!

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Saturday, June 22, 2013

Challenge Three: Day Thirty-One

Breakfast: Nothing.

Mid-Morning: Nothing.

Lunch: 12noon
3 Ham & Cheddar Roll-Ups
12oz. Diet Root Beer

Mid-Afternoon: 3pm
1 Ham & Cheddar Roll-Up
46oz. Water

Evening: 8pm
1 Peanut Butter Cup Visalus Shake

State of Being:
I’ve been sleeping-in a lot lately. Lots of late nights.

It’s been a combination of stress and having way too much stuff to get done. It’s had me staying up later and later over the last few weeks until now, I don’t wake up until noon and end-up staying up until 3 or 4 in the morning.

I’ve got to try to get readjusted soon. Maybe I’ll do that tomorrow. Sundays are usually pretty light. I’ll stay up until like 6 or 7pm tomorrow, then sleep through the night, and try to get up at around 5 or 6, like I used to.

Feeling alright, otherwise.

See you tomorrow!

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Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Challenge Three: Day Twenty-Eight

Breakfast: 9am
1 Chocolate Visalus Shake

Mid-Morning: Nothing.

Lunch: 1pm
1 Cheeseburger Patty (No Bun)
1 Caesar Salad (w/extra dressing)
12oz. Diet Coke


Evening: 8pm
4 Pieces of Chicken
1 Cup of Steamed Corn
46oz. Water

State of Being:

See you tomorrow!

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Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Challenge Three: Day Twenty-Seven

Breakfast: 8am
1 Butterfinger Visalus Shake

Mid-Morning: Nothing.

Lunch: 12noon
1 Blackberry & Strawberry Visalus Shake

Mid-Afternoon: Nothing.

Evening: 10pm
2 BBQ Chicken Breasts
16oz. V8 (Low Sodium, Spicy Hot)
24oz. Coke Zero

State of Being:
I’ve been reflecting a lot today on many aspects of my life.

I’m not sure why. It’s probably all been stirred-up by what’s going on with my Dad. Knowing that I will lose him soon is likely leading me down all kinds of, usually boarded-up sections of my psyche.

For whatever reason, I’ve been thinking a lot about my past, present and future. Where I was when I started, versus where I am now and where I will be a year from now.

For the most part, so far as what I’ve allowed myself to deal with and to face, it’s good stuff,… good news. I know that I’ve made a lot of progress, and I’m not just talking about my scale-weight, my energy-level or my general state-of-health, (although, those are all very good points.) But, I mean *me* as a person. I know that I’ve grown a great deal and that I’ve come a long way from where I was just a few months ago.

Dealing with all of this family stuff has shown me how much stronger I am now, than I used to be. Had any of this happened six months ago, I’d be a complete wreck. Now, I seem far more able to stand strong for my family and to be available to them for help.

Right now, when there doesn’t seem to be much positive going on, I’m starting to see a silver lining, for whatever it’s worth.

See you tomorrow.

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Monday, June 17, 2013

Challenge Three: Day Twenty-Six

(Click on image to enlarge.)

Breakfast: 8am
1 Blueberry Visalus Shake

Mid-Morning: 11am
1 Small Steak
16oz. V8 (Low Sodium, Spicy Hot)
12oz. Diet Rite

Lunch: Nothing.

Mid-Afternoon: 6pm
2 BBQ Chicken Thighs
16oz. Water

Evening: Nothing.

State of Being:
A very busy, yet unproductive day.

I tried to get a bunch of stuff handled today, financial stuff, medicaid business, etc. Stuff that I’m struggling to keep current on. But, no one was available or answering their phones. So, I ended up leaving a bunch of voicemails. Hopefully tomorrow I’ll be able to follow up.

See you tomorrow!

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Sunday, June 16, 2013

Challenge Three: Day Twenty-Five

(Click on image to enlarge.)

Breakfast: 9am
1 Peanut Butter Cup Visalus Shake

Mid-Morning: 11am
1 Handful of Baby Carrots

Lunch: Nothing.

Mid-Afternoon: 5pm
1 Sloppy-Joe (w/bun)
1 Cup of Steamed Broccoli
12oz. Diet Coke

Evening: 10pm
2 Cheeseburger Patties
46oz. Water

State of Being:
Dad was able to get some good, continuous sleep last night. So, he’s doing a bit better today, comfort-wise. Still exhausted, though.

Got to see Mason for a bit. I got him a giant bubble-wand (the kind that makes two-foot-wide bubbles) and a gallon of solution last time I was at the store. He got to try that out today. I also picked him up a little Incredible Hulk card-game that said “Ages 6+” but, at three years old, he was able to figure it out and play it. He’s a brilliant kid. I’ve even been working with him on reading here and there. He can spell his full name and can even sound out a few words.

See you tomorrow!

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Saturday, June 15, 2013

Challenge Three: Day Twenty-Four

(Click on image to enlarge.)

Breakfast: 9am
1 Butterfinger Visalus Shake

Mid-Morning: 11am
2 Big Flakes of Beef Jerky
16oz. V8 (Low Sodium, Spicy Hot)
46oz. Water

Lunch: 2pm
1 Peanut Butter Cup Visalus Shake

Mid-Afternoon: 4pm
1 Apple
4 Baby Carrots
1 Slice of Ham
12oz. Diet Coke

Evening: 11pm
1 Taco Salad
3 Tacos
12oz. Coke Cherry Zero

State of Being:
Got a bunch done today, and I am definitely back in the saddle, diet-wise.

See you tomorrow!

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Friday, June 14, 2013

Challenge Three: Day Twenty-Three

(Click on image to enlarge.)

Breakfast: Nothing.

Mid-Morning: Nothing.

Lunch: 2pm
2 Chicken Thighs (w/BBQ Sauce)
1 Cup Roasted Asparagus
2 Cans Diet Coke

Mid-Afternoon: 5pm
1 Bowl of Doritos
4 Gummy Bears
1 Can of Coke

Evening: 11pm
1 Slice of Chocolate Cake
1 Can of Grape Soda

State of Being:
So, I haven’t been keeping up with either my diet or my food journal this week.

I’ve filled in the last four days from what I can remember. I apologize for dropping the ball so bad.

My father’s cancer, which we were initially told was a very slow-growing cancer, was very treatable and that, worst case scenario… he had several years left,… well, it turns out, it’s actually a very rare form of rapidly growing cancer and he has a matter of weeks left.

He’s at home now, and we’re just trying to make him as comfortable as possible, while spending as much time with him as we can. Meanwhile, he can’t eat anything (the cancer is in his small bowel and if he eats anything he’ll get blocked and that will be it. It will be over. He’s allowed to drink (slowly) and to munch ice-chips (slowly).

He’s lost a bunch of weight and he’s very weak and tired, most of the time.

Anyway, I’ve been spending most of my time over there this week, doing what I can to help out with everything. It’s been a good week and a bad week. Kind of a roller coaster.

Dad bought Mason one of those really cool power-wheels trucks as an early birthday gift. Mason’s fourth birthday is in December, but it’s very unlikely that Dad will still be around by then, so he wanted to do something for him.

(Click on image to enlarge.)

My brother’s birthday was on the 12th, this past Wednesday, so we celebrated that, too.

I’m trying to be as strong as I can for my family, but it gets rough. Every time I leave to come back home for a while, I wonder if I’ve just seen my Dad for the last time and it’s like I’m holding my breath, hoping not to get that phone call, until I can get back over there.

I’ve ended up staying the night over there a few times this week. I stay up all night, so Mom can get some sleep and there’ll still be someone to help Dad if he needs it.

It’s rough staying up all night with all this stuff going on, so I usually end up eating sugar and drinking caffeine every couple hours to keep from conking out. What you see in my hastily filled-in food logs from the last several days is not complete. I can’t remember everything I ate over the course of those three nights. There was a lot and none of it was good. Leftover birthday cake, coffee with sugar, regular Coke and energy drinks were pretty much the sum of the menu and it was at least three or four little meals every night just to keep a sugar/caffeine-buzz going.

I’m trying. I really am. But, I’ve been way off my diet this week, and I honestly couldn’t care less about that right now. I’m just so sad and angry and tired. I’m coping as best as I can with the idea of losing my Dad. But, I know that when it actually happens it’ll be worse than I can imagine right now.

Tomorrow, when I wake up, I’m going to make a much stronger effort to stay ahead of my diet and keep to it. It’s really hard right now, but I need to get back on the horse.

I’m going to get some sleep.

See you tomorrow.

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Monday, June 10, 2013

Challenge Three: Day Nineteen

(Click on image to enlarge.)

Breakfast: Nothing.

Mid-Morning: Nothing.

Lunch: 3pm
2 Ham & Swiss Sandwiches on Rye
16oz. Diet Rite

Mid-Afternoon: 5pm
1 Chocolate Visalus Shake

Evening: 8pm
1 Butterfinger Visalus Shake
4 Chocolate Chip Cookies

State of Being:
Been slipping on my diet the last few days.

I’m more stressed about Dad than I’ve been letting on. I’m actually pretty terrified. He’s really not looking like he’s going to make it.

Trying to refocus.

See you tomorrow.

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Sunday, June 9, 2013

Challenge Three: Day Eighteen

(Click on image to enlarge.)

Breakfast: 8am
1 Chocolate-Cardia-Care Visalus Shake

Mid-Morning: 11am
16oz. V8 (Low Sodium, Spicy Hot)

Lunch: 3pm
4 Pieces of Baked Chicken
8 Potato-Wedge-Fries (w/Ketchup)
3 Cans of Diet Coke

Mid-Afternoon: Nothing.

Evening: 9pm
3 Pieces of Baked Chicken
2 Cans of Diet Coke

State of Being:
Mom & Dad were taking care of Mason today, so I came over to help out. Ended up staying the night, as Mason’s not going back home until tomorrow. Mom’s been having issues with her MS recently and Dad’s supposed to be staying in bed, (not that he IS, but he’s *supposed* to be,) so, I want to stick around in case they need help with Mason.

We got Dad a tablet a couple weeks ago, so he could stay connected with everybody and read the papers and stuff online, like he likes to do, even though he’s going to be spending lots of time in bed for the foreseeable future. I got a bunch of Mason pictures and Videos transferred to the tablet for him while I was over there, and I got Mason a couple new games for his LeapsterGS.

Mason and I spent the whole day playing games and reading stories.

It’s been lots of fun. However, as I am without my CPAP machine, (I didn’t know I was going to be staying the night until just a few hours ago,) I haven’t slept yet.

It’s cool. I usually don’t sleep until about 3am anyway, (I write better at night and I write a LOT,) so this will be just like staying up a bit past my bedtime, for a normal person. lol

See you tomorrow!

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Saturday, June 8, 2013

Challenge Three: Day Seventeen

(Click on image to enlarge.)

Breakfast: 7am
3 Eggs, Scrambled (w/Lime & Garlic Salsa Verde)
4 Sausage Links
46oz. Water


Lunch: 11am
1 Chocolate Visalus Shake

Mid-Afternoon: Nothing.

Evening: 8pm
1 Butterfinger Visalus Shake

State of Being:
Man, my back has been killing me.

I really need a new mattress.

Long day. I wasn’t around the apartment much. Did lots of walking.

Feel pretty good, but I’m exhausted now. Off to bed.

See you tomorrow!

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Friday, June 7, 2013

Challenge Three: Day Sixteen

(Click on image to enlarge.)

Breakfast: 7am
1 Chocolate Visalus Shake

Mid-Morning: Nothing.

Lunch: Nothing.

Mid-Afternoon: 3pm
1 Beef Taco
46oz. Water
Evening: 7pm
1 Butterfinger Visalus Shake

State of Being:
Didn’t eat much today.

I know that’s bad. It was just a weird day. Ran some errands this afternoon and didn’t get much sleep last night, as I kept having really weird nightmares.

There was a gimmicky new horror movie making the rounds that utilized theater agents to give you a generally trippy movie-going experience. They were pumping some kind of mild hallucinogen into the room via the air-conditioner and there were kids in the theater playing the part of… I dunno… weird, creepy kids, staring at you with murder in their eyes. There were even some attractive women who would hit on you and then, while you weren’t looking, they would slip on these eerie, diaphanous masks that distorted their features weirdly, especially once you’ve inhaled enough of the airborne LSD, or whatever it was.

Leaving the theater was even a kind of experience as you get jumped and attacked by several knife and/or gun-wielding assailants while you’re still tripping out.

It was the weirdest dream I’ve had in a while. It was also extremely vivid. So, my sleep wasn’t very restful.

Anyway, here’s this…
(I’m sweaty and out-of-breath from just having come in from errand-running and doing some heavy lifting and product-assembly,…)

See you tomorrow!

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Thursday, June 6, 2013

Challenge Three: Day Fifteen

(Click on image to enlarge.)

Breakfast: 6am
1 Chocolate Visalus Shake

Mid-Morning: 10am
16oz. V8 (Low Sodium, Spicy Hot)

Lunch: 2pm
1 Chocolate-Covered Blueberry Visalus Shake

Mid-Afternoon: Nothing.

Evening: 8pm
1 Large Taco Salad (w/ Whole Grain Tortillas)
16oz. Diet Rite
46oz. Water

State of Being:
Got registered for Vitality today. That’s the big, giant, annual Visalus event in Orlando, Florida. It’s scheduled, this year for the weekend right after my birthday!

I’m really excited for that! I’ll finally be able to meet about a dozen people that I’ve previously only interacted with online and/or over the phone. So, that’s going to be awesome!

See you tomorrow!

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Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Challenge Three: Day Fourteen

(Click on image to enlarge.)

Breakfast: 9am
1 Butterfinger Visalus Shake

Mid-Morning: Nothing.

Lunch: 1pm
1 Chocolate-Covered Strawberry Visalus Shake

Mid-Afternoon: 4pm
3 Eggs, Over-Hard (w/Lime Garlic Salsa Verde)
4 Links of Sausage
16oz. V8 (Low Sodium, Spicy Hot)
46oz. Water

Evening: 8pm
1 Kosher Dill Pickle
46oz. Water

State of Being:
Today, I vacuumed my entire apartment, from my feet rather than from a chair, for the first time ever.

It’s a small place and it may seem like a minor accomplishment. But, to me… it’s a major milestone.

See you tomorrow!

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Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Challenge Three: Day Thirteen

(Click on image to enlarge.)

Breakfast: 9am
2 Hot Dogs (w/Bacon)
16oz. Orange Juice
46oz. Water

Mid-Morning: 11am
1 Cheeseburger Patty (w/Jalapeno Cheddar)
16oz. V8 (Low Sodium, Spicy Hot)
46oz. Water

Lunch: 2pm
1 Chocolate-Covered Banana Visalus Shake

Mid-Afternoon: Nothing.

Evening: 8pm
1 Peanut Butter Banana Visalus Shake

State of Being:

Click Here for the Full Call, Featuring All Four Speakers

See you tomorrow!

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Monday, June 3, 2013

Challenge Three: Day Twelve

(Click on image to enlarge.)

Breakfast: 9am
1 Oreo Cookies & Cream Visalus Shake

Mid-Morning: 11am
2 Hot Dogs (w/Ketchup, Brown Mustard & Onion)
16oz. V8 (Low Sodium, Spicy Hot)
12oz. Diet Rite

Lunch: 2pm
1 Peanut Butter Cup Visalus Shake

Mid-Afternoon: 5pm
1 Kosher Dill Pickle
1 Cup of Baby Carrots
16oz. Skim Milk

Evening: 8pm
1 Round Steak (w/Black Pepper & Fire-Roasted Jalapeno Tabasco Sauce)
2 Tomatoes
46oz. Water

State of Being:
Got to be a guest speaker on tonight’s Team-Call. It was a lot of fun.

Also, got to hear from Rachel Groves, who’s one of my heroes on the Challenge. Her story is so inspiring. I first learned of her via her 100lb.-Lost video. It really got to me.

I took the opportunity to remind everybody that it’s all about openness and transparency. If you haven’t gone public with your goal, you’re not really doing this yet.

Leave yourself no escape hatch. Step into the light and be completely, totally vulnerable. That’s the only real courage there is.

See you tomorrow!

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Sunday, June 2, 2013

Challenge Three: Day Eleven

(Click on image to enlarge.)

Breakfast: 7pm
1 Butterfinger Visalus Shake

Mid-Morning: Nothing.

Lunch: 1pm
2 Hot Dogs (w/Ketchup & Brown Mustard)
1 Sliced Onion
12oz. Diet Rite

Mid-Afternoon: 5pm
1 Butterfinger Visalus Shake

Evening: 9pm
1 Round Steak
1 Cup of Steamed Asparagus & Broccoli
46oz. Water

State of Being:
Uncle Bob gave me a lift up to the grocery store this morning. It was cool getting to spend some time with him.

Got to talk to Dad today for a little bit too. He seems like he’s doing pretty good.

See you tomorrow!

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Saturday, June 1, 2013

Challenge Three: Day Ten

(Click on image to enlarge.)

Breakfast: 9am
1 Peanut-Butter-Cup Visalus Shake

Mid-Morning: 11am
1 Chicken Thigh
16oz. V8 (Low Sodium, Spicy Hot)
46oz. Water

Lunch: 2pm
1 Sweet Cream Visalus Shake

Mid-Afternoon: 6pm
1 Chicken Drumstick
16oz. V8 (Low Sodium, Spicy Hot)
46oz. Water

Evening: 8pm
1 Round Steak
46oz. Water

State of Being:
Feeling pretty run-down today. Like I just can’t get caught up on my sleep.

Wasn’t able to make it down to Columbus for the RST today. Looking forward to Vitality, though!

See you tomorrow!

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