Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Challenge Three: Day Seventy

Breakfast: 9am
1 Strawberry-Banana, Phyto-Power-Energy-Charge Visalus Shake

Mid-Morning: Nothing.

Lunch: 1pm
2 Round Steaks (w/Taco Blend Shredded-Cheese)
32oz. V8 (Low Sodium, Spicy Hot)
46oz. Water

Mid-Afternoon: 6pm
1 Chocolate-Covered Strawberry Visalus Shake

Evening: Nothing.

State of Being:


Feeling really good today!

Yeah, as you’ve probably noticed, I’ve changed things up a little bit. A while back I wrote an entry in the morning instead of the evening. Going through really tough times, as I’ve been, I wanted to get my thoughts logged-into the blog before the entire run of my present, super-tough days had had its chance to beat the hell out of me.

That idea worked really well. In fact, it worked better than I’d expected in that it afforded me a concrete look at how my mentality, my mood, thoughts and outlook… my *consciousness* I guess… shift and change over the course of a day. The fact that the look took place in the midst of a run of really bad days made it particularly visceral and demonstrative of things usually relegated to faintness and subtlety.

So, in reflecting on that experience for the last little while, I’ve decided to try a new approach for the “State of Being” segment of the blog,… which is really the meat of it. I’m going to start keeping my composition program open throughout the day (at least, when I’m home), pulling it up to log my thoughts periodically, and time-coding the entries as I log them. This will be in contrast to how I’ve usually handled the blog in the past, which is to write it up at the end of the day, shortly before bed and schedule it for posting at 11:30pm.

While the old approach seems logical in theory;… the blog is, after all a summary of the day, and what better time to summarize something than at the end of it… in practice, I find that it presents an image of my journey that is frequently less clear and accurate than I’d like it to be.

So, we’ll see how this goes.

I am very busy these days with family matters surrounding my father’s death as well as with work and attending to a lot of… I’ll call it… drudgery-of-the-moment, so I’m not going to specifically schedule these little check-ins with the writing, but I will hit it as often as I can. Some days that will mean several entries spread evenly across the day. Others will see only one entry. I think this approach will be much better served by a shoot-from-the-hip method, rather than any kind of regimentation. Also, as with my food-log entries, the time-code will be by-the-hour. I’m not going to bother to log it to the exact minute, as that can be confusing as far as when I actually sat down to write, versus when I stopped writing, etc. As with the food-log, the time-code will represent what the hour was when I started writing.

As I said, I’m feeling really good right now.

The writing bug has definitely bitten me for the first time in a long while. I’ve reopened my current novel project, as well as started work on a new short-story that may grow into a short-novel/novella if necessity dictates. I’m also going to be starting work on something I’ve wanted to do for a long time, but haven’t had the nerve. It’s another blog, not really related to this one in any way, with more of a political, philosophical and current-events focus. I don’t have any specific plan or time-line for getting that started, but I’ll link it here when it’s ready.



Still feeling great. A little tired now, but that’s to be expected. I’ve been pretty busy today. Got a lot done, did some cleaning, some writing and even got some reading in.

My sciatica has kinda been laying off me today. It still hurts, but not nearly as bad as it’s been the last month or so. I’m able to walk today with about a fourth as much pain as usual. Progress.



Pretty tired. Still feeling good. Just got out of the shower and had a good long phone conversation with my Mom about stuff.

Hip/leg/back is killing me, but it’s almost time for bed so it’s cool for now.

I think I’m liking this new approach to the blog, so far.

Let me know what you think.

See you tomorrow!

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