--Today was an Arms Day--
~Shoulder Press (Palms-In) - (Deltoids) - 15lbs. Resistance (each arm) - 3 Sets of 15 Repetitions
~Bench Dips - (Triceps) - Body-Weight as Resistance - 2 Sets of 15 Repetitions
~Concentration Curls - (Biceps) - 30lbs. Resistance (each arm) - 3 Sets of 15 Repetitions
~Wrist Curls (Palms-Up) - (Extensors & Flexors) - 15lbs. Resistance (each arm) - 3 Sets of 15 Repetitions
Breakfast: 10:30am
1 Chocolate Cardia Care Visalus Shake
Mid-Morning: 11:30am
12 oz. Glass of V8 (Low Sodium, Spicy Hot)
Lunch: 2pm
2 Chocolate Chip Visalus Nutra-Cookies
Mid-Afternoon: 4pm
2 Fresh-from-the-Garden Tomatoes my Neighbor Gave Me (Awesome!)
12oz. Glass of V8 (Low Sodium, Spicy Hot)
Evening: 6pm
1 Reheated Boneless, Skinless Chicken Breast (w/Bull’s Eye Original BBQ Sauce)
1 Cup of Steamed Asparagus
State of Being:
Just happened to get up really early this morning, so I stretched, worked out, stretched again, then laid back down for a while. Felt pretty good. Got up again at about 8am for an appointment at the Coleman rental office. Got home, had a breakfast shake. Still fighting this cold.
My cat, Tajhia (aka: “Noggin”) took the time to remind me that I was both lazy and of no earthly use to her, since I’d forgotten to lay any treats out next to her favorite napping spot. So, I got that taken care of in an attempt to reverse today’s opinion of me… (an attempt which failed.)
This afternoon, I spent lots of time writing and made some phone calls. Still feeling great!
This evening, I feel very clear and energetic. Made more calls. I’ve definitely felt less sore today than I did yesterday. The worst sore-spot, which is in my lower back, is still pretty bad. This is unfortunate, considering that you can’t so much as blink your eyes without your back being somehow involved in the movement. But, it’s feeling like it’ll be better within another day or so.
I was thinking a lot today about diets and food and how I’ve been feeling. My whole point in doing this daily progress report, in addition to my main blog is really twofold. The first purpose is to have a tangible record of everything so that anybody who’s thinking of joining the 90 Day Challenge themselves, can open this page up and see exactly what a Challenge experience looks like, day-by-day, hour-by-hour, week-by-week, etc. The second purpose is to use this blog as a means of tracking how the things I eat and the things I do culminate into how I’m feeling later on. This is working pretty well so far.
What I’d like to say to everybody and anybody who might be reading this, is that I’ve had a lot of revelations this past week about weight-loss and personal transformations and dieting. If I can distill it all into a single thought, it’s this…
Don't starve and don't suffer! No matter what anyone tells you, this is why so many diets fail. They fail because their basic structure and essence are composed of negativity; (denial, suffering, resistance, etc.)
Instead, just pay attention to how the stuff you've eaten affects your daily state of being, and then aim to repeat the good feelings as long and as often as you can.
At noon, ask yourself: "What did I have for breakfast? How do I feel now?"
At 4pm; "What did I have for lunch? How do I feel now?"
Before bed; "What did I have for dinner? How do I feel now?"
Do that for a week or two until you come to think of different food items not by their brand names or their recipes or their nutrition-info., but by what state of being they open the doorway to for you.
Eating is not about food. It's about who you are and who you can be and how much time you're spending as your energetic, content and happy self versus how much time you’re spending as a hollow shell of who you really are. It's about how clear, alive and connected to the world you feel. The food is simply something that either stands in the way of feeling the way you're meant to feel or opens the door and ushers you into the way you're meant to feel.
So, don't count calories, don't track fiber content, don't assign fat-points, etc. Just keep your eyes open, be mindful, learn what food leads to what level of daily existence and always aim for your true and highest self.
The Life Philosophy that I've been trying to live by, is no more complicated than this...
Whatever you’re doing, always bring your BEST SELF to the task.
Your friends and family deserve the Best You, when you visit. Moreover, YOU deserve the Best You, 24-7-365.
What you eat, determines whether or not your Best Self is even available to you.
So, it's simple: Only put into your body the things that allow your Best Self to the surface where it can be in direct, visceral contact with the world around you, at all times. Don’t put anything into your body that prevents it.
That’s what I’ve gotten from this past week, above everything else.
I’ve been the real, actual and BEST Christopher Loree for nearly a solid month now and even the idea of doing something that would wrap him up in a shroud and stuff him back into a box is heartbreaking for me. My family and Loved ones deserve the real me, not some empty, second-hand facsimile.
Is it hard? You bet it is. Of COURSE it is. I can’t imagine anything harder. It’s the hardest thing in the world… for a weak, hollow version of a human spirit to undertake while the vibrant and powerful version is buried underneath a mound of misery.
To the REAL YOU, however… it’s about as hard as bench-pressing a feather.
Just keep the path clear for your Best Self to be the one who shows up every day, and you’ll win this battle at a walk,… as well as any other challenges you choose to take on.
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